On 5/3/2015 3:30 PM, Jérôme Pinguet wrote:
> Hi!
> Good news for user friendly security!
> I just tested Enigmail 1.8.2, Thunderbird (Icedove) 31.6.0,
> pinentry-gtk-2 and KeePass 2.28 (the author's last version, not the
> Debian Jessie version, but both are 2.28 so I guess it will work as well
> with Debian version) and it seems to work very well and quickly (whereas
> on Debian Wheezy, it typed passphrases excruciatingly slowly and
> pinentry responded that the password was wrong 2 tries out of 3 on
> average, sometimes worse).
> Let me know if it works for you.
> I guess it comes from mono (2.10.8 -> 3.2.8) upgrade.
> Cheers.
> jerome****

Good for you Linux users and for you Jerome.  :-)

Sad to say that the powers that be still do not provide that to those of
us that use Windows. Sadly Big Brother still lives today.  :-(



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