On 5/5/2015 7:29 PM, Jérôme Pinguet wrote:
> On 05/04/2015 01:57 AM, David wrote:
> KeePass2 supports all Windows versions: http://keepass.info/download.html

I use, paid for, Keepass2 for Windows. I have for years. My comment was
in reference to the provider of Gnu4Win that has decided that he will be
my nanny and not let me easily use KeePass2 with his package as I do
with so many other logins.

> And you are free to install a GNU/Linux distribution on your computer
> and get rid of Windows.
> Don't be sad! :-)

I am well aware of GNU/Linux and its many limitations. I tied it several
times. However I prefer an OS that works without having to hunt down
strange little men that live in cellars in strange countries that pirate
code.  :-)



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