
But the problem is *not* that I don't know how to change the password. It's 
that I've lost the password but it is on my computer somewhere.

$ locate pinentry


Yet if I open Thunderbird, I can decrypt emails no problems. Sadly I cannot 
change the key's password without being prompted.

If I restart the computer, I can still decrypt emails. Where is this password 
being stored?

How can I find it? Is there some way to get Enigmail to spit it out? How can I 
find out what pinentry/agent software is being used, or where it is stored when 
the session starts? Someone somewhere must know this, and unfortunately it's a 
very important key...

> On 11/25/2015 11:30 AM, Dkjfffkjk Dfpernf wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Today one of my devices which contains the KeepassX password for
>> my PGP key got bricked.
>> Luckily I have another device (Ubuntu 15.04) which has the
>> password saved when I start the session (login to my user). I can
>> restart the computer and still read encrypted passwords after.
> I would setup a semetric encrypted password file in your home
> directory which is /home/user/ To do this use your favorite text
> editor like emacs which will open an encrypted file and ask for your
> passpharse.
> I use the unix standard of : as a field separator.
> # File Format
> login:password:host name:Company Name:Account Number:Phone
> Of course you can setup you own password file to meet your own needs.
> After you have created your password file you need to encrypt it.
> gpg -esc passwd
> which will produce a signed, encrypted passwd.gpg along with the
> original unencrypted passwd file.
> Before removing the unencrypted try to open the encrypted file.
> gpg -d passwd.gpg | less
> You will be asked for your passphrase.
> After you have varified that you can open and read your encrypted
> password file you can remove your original unencrypted file.
> As a paranoid old man I use the shred application which will overwrite
> the original file. I use this especially on laptops which can be
> stollen or lost.
>> It does not seem to be using gpg-agent nor pinentry. There is no
>> program called 'pinentry' and here are the programs beginning with
>> gpg:
>> gpg, gpgsplit, gpgv, gpg-zip
>> $ echo $GPG_AGENT_INFO /run/user/1002/keyring/gpg:0:1
>> But that file is 0 bytes and I cannot do anything with it.
>> extensions.enigmail.useGpgAgent is false
> Your pinentry program is probably located in /usr/bin/
> You can use either locate or whereis to find your pinentry program.
>> How is the password being stored?
> /home/username/.gnupg/secring.gpg
> In this directory there is also your public ring and your config files.
>> And how can I recover or change the password?
> gpg --edit-key 0x12345678
> You can change the passphrase, can sign somes public key, and add sub
> keys.
> Though enigmail hides a lot of the details about gnupg, the more you
> read about keys, algorithms, and etc. the more you will appreciate the
> hard work that was put into gunpg and enigmail.
>> I can still read encrypted emails so it is somewhere in my
>> computer.
> I hope that this helps you and make sure you backup your systems. I
> use cron at 2AM everymorning to backup my systems.
> - --
> Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy /\_/\
> ( o.o )
>> ^ <
> Cell Phone: 267-307-3527
> See My posts on facebook and googleplus
> Open PGP Key: C34B77CC
> gpg fingerprint: 8AD5 35EF 1FDF F1A7 E483 8CCE A50D 4E81 C34B 77CC
> For info on enigmail:
> For info on gpg:
> Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
> no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (John 14:6)
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