On 12/02/15 13:59, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> E-mail lists (or NNTP, darn it! ❤😻gmane😻❤) are less obnoxious than
> every software program using their own individual web-based forums
> (never mind that web-based forums - and web-based e-mail, for that
> matter - are just generally more annoying), and I really don't see
> businesses switching to social networks for internal communication.

Can't argue with the webforum part.  Webfora are an atrocious medium for

Social media, however ... it depends what you classify under the "social
media" umbrella.  My current employer has switched from IRC and Jabber
to Slack for near-realtime internal communication, plus the front office
deployed some kind of internal facebooky thing some months back that as
far as I can tell only the front-office suits actually use.  As far as
the rest of us are concerned, it does nothing useful.  Fifteen years
ago, Cygnus Solutions used ICB (a sort of IRC Lite with standalone
servers) for much of its internal communication.

  Phil Stracchino
  Babylon Communications
  Landline: 603.293.8485

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