Am 14. August 2018 20:15:41 MESZ schrieb Pontus Falk <>:
>In my Thunderbird/Enigmail the turquoise area used to be just above the
>mail body are. Now it is above the area with the Reply / Reply All
>I don't know if this was changed in a Thunderbird or an Enigmail
>Can this be changed to that the turquoise are is between the buttons
>the text body again as it used to be?
>Thanks a zillion in advance!
>Med vänliga hälsningar / Best regards
>Pontus Falk
>Hovstagränd 11
>OpenPGP key-ID: 0x190E5F6B3F57C384
>Twitter: @PontusFalk

This was changed by Enigmail on purpose. Putting the bar below the Reply 
buttons allows an attacker to pretend a signed/encrypted mail with a simple 
unauthenticated HTML message.

There is option to change it.


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