The encrypted subject line feature does work. When I get an email from someone, the subject line just says "Encrypted message." However, I noticed that once I decrypt the message, the subject line changes to plain text and REMAINS that way forever.
This happens even when I clear the saved passphrase, or even restart the computer. The subject line, once decrypted, remains decrypted forever even when I don't unlock my private key. I don't have any big complaint with this, but I was wondering if this was done deliberately, for a specific purpose. Enigmail appears to be modifying the email IN PLACE -- at least modifying it to the extent that the subject line is permanently decrypted. Alternatively, is this some sort of "accident," and if so, is it something that needs to be fixed? -- Patrick _______________________________________________ enigmail-users mailing list To unsubscribe or make changes to your subscription click here: