On 10.09.18 14:50, Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> As a test I chose the option "Never ask for any passphrase."  I then
> restarted my computer, brought up Thunderbird, and clicked on an
> encrypted message.  Then, it asked for my passphrase.
> I find that strange.  So far I have not observed any change in behavior
> with the option set True or False.  What does the option actually do,
> and how can I observe its effect?

The option is obsolete.

It was only used for GnuPG 1.4, where Enigmail would query the
passphrase for GnuPG. But Enigmail cannot influence GnuPG 2.x on asking
passphrases, that's up to gpg-agent.

Thanks for reminding me - I'll have to remove it.


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