On 21.01.2019 11:17, Bitcoin Admin wrote:
> Hello, after upgradingĀ  TB to 60.4. enigail stopped working, going back
> to 60.2.1 and even after complte fresh enigmail install still not working.
> Getting; *Running Enigmail version 2.0.9 (20181209-1409)*
> ERROR: Failed to access Enigmail core service!
> everything is in place don;'t know what happended...
> Somebody please help a clueless privacy nut?
> Attached also the debug file

From what it looks like, Enigmail seems to be running OK. You seem to
have started the setup wizard, and it looks like Enigmail is set up OK.

I'd recommend that you kill all gpg2 and gpg-agent processes (or reboot
entirely). I believe that the error you are seeing in the "About" dialog
is a symptom for some other error outside of Enigmail, such as gpg-agent
hanging or similar.


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