Hello everyone,

I believe it is time we all got together and had a serious discussion
about the direction of the Enlightenment project -- where we are going,
what needs to be done, and what priorities we need to set to get there. At
this point I have come to a conclusion that too many people are spending
too much time and effort on the wrong things. For example, take a look at
the last week of commits: eplayer and elicit account for around 75-80% of
all the commit messages posted to E-CVS! We've got at least 3 people
actively working on eplayer, meanwhile, ewl has only Nathan, evas is
getting very little attention save the few moments raster can spare these
days, Andy and I could certainly use some assistance with ecore, and
important libraries like etox are getting left out in the cold altogether.

Solution: We need to define where we are going properly, and determine how
we are going to get there. We need to draw up an official roadmap document
that will be put on the web site for all to see. This document should be
detailed enough to outline each component of the next-generation E project
and articulate what needs to be done and how much of a priority it has.
Everybody needs to know the most important things that need to be done so
that we're not just all randomly coding at whatever seems to be the newest
little app in CVS. I understand that E17 is likely to arrive in CVS
shortly pending a few TODO items by raster. Before that happens we need to
be clear on what needs to be done, or that effort (which is really the
flagship product of this project) will ultimately end up being stunted and
fall short of what it really could achieve.

A suggestion has been made for a "town hall" meeting on IRC (#edevelop on
Freenode) at a fixed time when we can all converge together and discuss
this matter. At the same time, we need to begin to put this in writing, so
that by the time we are done with deliberations, we have a solid draft of
what we're looking to do and we can post that on the web site. Persons
wishing to join the development effort but not knowing where to begin can
look at this roadmap document as a starting reference point, and existing
developers can know where they need to focus their efforts now. Eplayer
and Elicit are both great apps, but right now they're far more attention
than is expedient for the project at this point in time.

Two things we need to get straight right now:
1. If this "town hall" meeting should happen, and at what time;
2. A list of items that should be considered priorities for the project to
   help set a proper focus for the discussion.

Your input is appreciated.


Ibukun Olumuyiwa

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thygetting get 
understanding." - Proverbs 4:7

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