There seems to be a bug when logging into enlightenment via entrance with regard to console permissions for sound events.

In Fedora Core 4, there are some default permissions found in:
"/etc/security/console.perms.d/50-default.perms". For sound events, the appropriate device classes are given by:

<sound>=/dev/dsp* /dev/audio* /dev/midi* \
        /dev/mixer* /dev/sequencer \
        /dev/sound/* /dev/beep \

and the permission definitions are provided by:

<console> 0600 <sound> 0600 root

Therefore, when someone logs into a console, the user should take control of the sound device classes and be able to read/write to them. For example:

        elijah: /dev> ls -l /dev/dsp
        crw------- 1 kriehn root 14, 3 Aug 15 01:55 /dev/dsp
        elijah: /dev>

However, when logging into X via E17, the permissions for sound are not transferred, and root maintains control of all the sound classes, thereby "disabling" sound. This can be avoided if a user first logs into a console terminal (and stays logged in) before logging into X. The permissions are then transferred correctly.

This sounds like it should be an easy fix, especially since other permissions seem to be transferred correctly.

One other note -- I am running "gnome-panel" with the volume control applet in E17 as well. Perhaps there is some gnome-e17 infighting going on?


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