On Fri, 21 Oct 2005 12:04:59 +1000 David Seikel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> On Thu, 20 Oct 2005 21:43:19 -0400 dan sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > > A window manager does not know if closing this window closes the
> > > application, or if closing this window can be easily reversed by the
> > > application just opening it again.  For these reasons, I think that
> > > the Close item on the E17 window menu should be at the bottom of
> > > the menu, and not at the top.  The same argument applies to the
> > > Kill button, but since it WILL kill the application, and possibly
> > > in an unfriendly manner, it is more dangerous, and should be
> > > slightly harder to do.  Put Kill at the very bottom, maybe add a
> > > "Are you sure?" dialog.
> > > 
> > 
> > Why is it that all things done in the name of usability make an app
> > harder to use? The only time I ever touch the window menu is to make
> > an app sticky (almost never done) or to close/kill an app. Making
> > killing an app harder by sticking it behind a dialog is just making
> > the users life harder. Your adding in steps that don't need to be
> > there.
> The point is to make it a little bit harder to kill an application by
> accident.  Adding an extra two mouse moves and an extra click is a
> small price to pay if it saves you hours of work because you
> accidentally selected Kill from the menu.  Notice that I didn't
> advocate making the window close button any harder to use.  I also
> didn't advocate adding a dialog to the Close item, only to the Kill
> item. Kill is a desperate, unfriendly, only if you have to method to use
> when the application misbehaves, it is appropriate that there are
> safeguards.
> Note that all other items in the window menu are easily reversed.  The
> same cannot be said of Close and Kill.  I think we should make them a
> tiny bit safer.
> Alternatively we could always have menus re arrange themselves based
> on frequent usage.  That would make everybody happy.  B-) 

the kill item is there as a manual kill. e17 actually will AUTO-KILL
appllications that:

* proivide a PID property so we know their PID
* talk the netwm ping protocol
* ask for the delete protocol of icccm
* have actually not responded to a ping request for more than 10 seconds
* you have innocently pressed the close button and the app hasnt closed
* it has been more than 10 seconds since you pressed the close button

e17 will literally kill off the pid with a kill - and if that doesnt work 10
seconds later a kill -9 :) this is of course configurable, but e tries to make
sure things get done that you asked to be done - it gives the app a chance, but
form e's point of view the app is totally hung solid. thgis just saves time
that a lot of unxi users do - going "whhy the fuck doesn that app die?" - drag
a window over it and notice it doesnt redraw, pop up a term, look at top,
notice its using 99% cpu and otherwise nto responding - now find its pid kill
the pid, find it still doesnt die (it has set up a sigint/sigterm handler etc.)
and now kill -9 the same pid finally to rid yourself of the menace :)
basicalyl= e just does this all for you quietly - if it has enough info to make
an intelligent descision :)

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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