Phuah Yee Keat wrote:
> Ibukun Olumuyiwa wrote:
>> If I understand correctly, this patch was written for Slackware? If so I
>> can't take it...what we would want is a script that at least covers most
>> of the major distros (Debian, Mandriva, Fedora, Ubuntu, Gentoo,
>> Slackware) and understands how each of them stores X sessions. For
>> example, Mandriva does not use .desktop files to store sessions - it
> The codes that I have submitted, are written on slackware, but the
> method that I have used, are based on what KDM does. And KDM is the
> Login Manager that I previously used and pretty much pleased with when
> using it on a Mandrake/Redhat and Slackware box. It seems to pick out
> the sessions correctly.
> I do not have other distros at my disposal, so its hard for me to come
> out with a solution that covers other major distros, as the
> type=Xsession .desktop files are not yet as standardized as those
> type=Application .desktop files. That's the difference between KDM and
> GDM as well, KDM provides its own .desktop files for the major window
> managers, so that it doesn't much care whether your system uses .desktop
> files or not. GDM attempts to look for .desktop files on your systems on
> some configurable paths. Personally, I prefered the KDM method, even
> after some objections from Mr Morten. :) Since its effective and easy to
> maintain across different distributions, albeit not pretty.
> Slackware have no .desktop files as well, stuffs are in
> /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.XXX that needs to be configured by the
> administrator, and is used by everyone on the system, and hence is not
> very login manager friendly, but KDM's method worked fine over here.
>> keeps entries under /etc/X11/wmsession.d/. This is probably much better
>> done as a script that determines the system's linux distribution,
>> obtains the X sessions accordingly, and outputs a session list that can
>> then be compiled into the configuration at build time.
> I do not like the script generating session list idea, since that means
> that after a window manager is installed/uninstalled, the script will
> then need to be run to regenerate the session list. I still personally
> prefers to have our own set of .desktop files (at least until the major
> window managers have them, fluxbox still doesn't the last I checked) and
> try to see which one is installed by checking each one's TryExec
> parameter. If not, we would then need the Window Manager's installation
> scripts to run these scripts, which then have all the distros checking
> stuffs again in all the rpm, deb, and tgzs of the window manager's
> packages and installation scripts.
> Cheers,
> Phuah Yee Keat

Does GDM use the same .desktop files that KDM uses? If so then perhaps
this is something that can be standardized upon. The lack of a standard
way of storing sessions is the reason why this feature isn't there in
the first place. Although, ideally, I would still prefer a scenario in
which Entrance could automatically determine how sessions are stored on
any one system and build its config accordingly.


Ibukun Olumuyiwa

"I will stand upon my watch, and set me upon the tower,
and will watch to see what he will say unto me,
and what I shall answer when I am reproved."

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