With 4 and 5, I think this should be sent in a follow up to cedric's
website redesign thread.  As I think, and a lot of people agree, the look
and feel of the website needs a lot more work than just a few
layout/content changes.

On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 9:43 AM Stephen Houston <smhousto...@gmail.com>

> I disagree with #1.  It's not Legacy API until it is actually, you know,
> legacy.  Who knows how long the "beta" api will be before released and how
> long it will be until there is a stable release of it that will work full
> featured for application, especially elementary, development.  To not
> provide improved docs with the legacy api, is to say that the primary way
> developers can get involved over the next couple years, the legacy api,
> isn't worth anything.  All current apps, including Enlightenment, are using
> the legacy api, because that is what is stable, and that is how we are
> still going to get people involved for the foreseeable future (unless they
> are interested in working on the actual beta api implementation).  If
> anything I would argue that the focus should be more on the legacy api than
> the beta api, since no one uses the beta api, and it isn't stable.  Just a
> personal take.  I would venture to say a big reason the hits are coming in
> more on the beta api is because that is currently receiving the majority of
> the active development and you are getting hits from those developers.
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 6:23 AM Andrew Williams via
> Efl-technical-documentation <efl-technical-documentat...@lists.s-osg.org>
> wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> Since adding Google Analytics a while back I have some interesting
>> statistics that I thought I would share:
>> 1) Very few people read our Stable API documentation - around 0.5% of our
>> page hits
>> 2) Over 5% of the page hits are already for the beta API documentation
>> 3) Most of the hits to /docs seem to result in a referral to /develop
>> 4) Nearly 40% of people landing on our home page leave right away
>> 5) Terminology is the most popular app (by page hits) and Edi is second
>> (1/4 times the hits) then ephoto (1/4 again)
>> Not all of this requires any action but here is the action plan:
>> 1) I am not intending to put any further effort into our legacy API other
>> than the extraction of eina and eo for the Beta API docs
>> 2) We can expect more people to be trying to use our Beta API - do we
>> need to prepare for this or should we put up more obvious warnings about
>> attempting?
>> 3) I think it is time that the main "Develop" link goes to the /develop/
>> dokuwiki. The link to phab exists on the /contrib page where it belongs
>> 4) We should find a way to make our home page more appealing - when
>> loaded on an average monitor you need to be full screen to see anything
>> more than the "Window manager" section.
>> 5) For our about page we may need to tell a better story about how it all
>> fits together. Otherwise it's E & EFL and a list of apps - not the how or
>> why of what we are doing...
>> Please shout if you disagree with any of these action points :)
>> Andrew
>> --
>> http://andywilliams.me
>> http://ajwillia.ms
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