On Mon, 05 Mar 2018 14:15:03 -0500
Cedric Bail <ced...@ddlm.me> wrote:

> On March 4, 2018 9:27 AM, William L. Thomson Jr.
> <wlt...@obsidian-studios.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, 2 Mar 2018 21:33:17 +0100
> > Vincent Torri vincent.to...@gmail.com wrote:  
> > > Hello
> > > 
> > > The « Enlighenment.fr » association aims to help all the actions
> > > which are involved in the development and diffusion of «
> > > Enlightenment » and the software libraries « EFL », as well as
> > > all the FOSS using or linked in a way or another with these two
> > > components.  
> > 
> > Nice first step. What is that association a non profit?  
> Yes, there is no for profit association as far as I know in France :-)

I assume you mean regarding E/Enlightenment, not in general.

> I don't think we are talking about the same size of organization
> here :-) Our current cost is a few thousands dollars per decade as
> our main cost has been renewing our server when they get to old. 

Why I provided information on Gnome as well. Just the same without a
plan to grow you likely will not. Without showing how donations can
help further the project. There is little reason to donate. The more
people can see their donations at work, the more they will donate.

> I see no benefit in banking and even less in American banking. 

The dollar has long been the global currency, since like 1944.

> With european banks, you can allow direct money transfer easily with
> SEPA. In the USA, this is not possible. 

There are numerous ways to send money for free with direct money
transfer. PayPal is one, Google Wallet, and most banks have their own
these days. Though that is limited to within the US. Like SEPA is
limited to EU banks.

> As the main use case are : keeping > a stash of money that doesn't
> disappear completely over time,

Which is why IMHO you want a actual bank. Not digital currency, that
could be hacked, login lost, etc and no recovery. No customer service,
fraud protection etc.

> ability to get money from all over  the world and to send it all over
> the world too. 

This has yet to be an issue for Gentoo, which does operate globally and
collects funds globally. Though they have never been accounted for
properly nor proper filings with IRS, etc.

> None of this will be  helped by having a capitalone account I think.

Assumptions, the proof its Capital One has worked fine for Gentoo since
2008, that is almost a decade now... Though money comes in via PayPal.

> Cryptocurrency do solve that with the cons of having some swing on
> the value

That is a major freaking con.... The volatility makes it good for
investment and speculation. You are insane to buy anything with
crypto currency. Only if you like severely overpaying for stuff.

> and add the benefit of transparency as anyone can watch
> the wallet. 

Who provides customer service? Fraud protection? Lost password?
Which crypto currency? It is great in theory, but in practical reality.
It has a very long way to go. Like how you go from crypto to real
currency. Not everyone uses crypto. Some places may still require a
check. How do you cut a check from crypto currency? Not to mention like
Visa/MC ATM cards for purchases, etc. Few places allow checkout with
crypto currency.

> > > It is also a good time to thanks OSU Open Source Lab and
> > > Fondation Free.fr for their help over the years in hosting our
> > > infrastructure : https://osuosl.org/ and
> > > https://www.fondation-free.fr/.  
> > 
> > Nice thing about them, you do not really have to worry about them
> > deciding not to host or sponsor. That can be an issue at times, it
> > happened with others in the past with sponsored hosting providers.  
> They have been helping us for over a decade now. They are on two
> differents continent and have been super helpful. I don't see any
> urgency/logical reason of moving out.

I assume your talking about free.fr. If you mean OSUOSL. I am not aware
of them having another facility on another continent.

William L. Thomson Jr.

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