On 06/03/18 12:51, Christophe Sadoine wrote:
> Then, it would be great if there was a tool to detect an api/theme
> break... and additions of api?
> I think a theme break tool is possible and should be done, not sure
> about the api.
There are API break tools available, currently they struggle with
differentiating between beta and release api automatically, currently
you will get a number of interface related breaks.

> It would also be nice if at least one human reviewed what you want to
> merge. You shouldn't trust anyone even yourself. Humans always make
> mistakes.

Humans can make mistakes, but the problem here is its a bunch of extra
work and delays, you may have to wait a few days for a human review,
that and some people already have a backlog of stuff to review from
people who haven't got commit rights yet. I don't think there is the
manpower for this atm.

> Communication:
> Discussion can happen on irc/mailing list, but decisions should not.
> There should be only one place where decisions are made. And it should
> be phab.
> The mailing list is good for questions/discussions but it is very easy
> to forget a mail. A ticket has a status and it stays there until you
> resolve it.
> Decisions should have a clear status and should not be dangling like a
> mail thread could be.
> And you would also have proof there was a discussion and how a
> decision was made.
> Someone joining the project would have a hard time searching though
> the mailing list/irc logs to find information about a specific issue.
> So I think all important decisions should be in one easy
> searchable/referable place. (it doesn't have to be phab but it is what
> we have now)

As I said on IRC I don't think phab will work efficiently it will be
more effort getting the right group of people subscribed to the ticket
then the amount of benefit we gain, there will always be someone who
didn't get subscribed for some reason, and maybe the scope will broaden
slightly and people who didn't think they would care might end up caring
and miss the discussion.

Really all we need is the original Author to summarize the discussion in
one email and add it to a wiki / roadmap thingo. If the main person
working on the feature isn't willing to do that then maybe a project
manager can.


Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

Emergency Update Team                           keybase.io/simotek
SUSE Linux                           Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30
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