On Thursday 31 May 2018  18:26, Michael Jennings wrote :
> On Thu, May 31, 2018 at 8:16 AM, William L. Thomson Jr.
> <wlt...@obsidian-studios.com> wrote:
> > I will deviate with all others and to me this is good news!!! I have had
> > few if any interactions with Cedric. One of my first and maybe only was
> > nothing but insults from him... Which he jumped in out of no where...
> >
> > https://phab.enlightenment.org/T6221#102021
> >
> > His comments were uncalled for, insulting, and hardly the actions of an
> > respected leadership.... Or even a respectful person!!!
> >
> > He went on to insult more...
> > https://phab.enlightenment.org/T6221#102027
> >
> > Then saying I am rude and insulting... Pot calling the kettle black...
> > I did not hijack his bug report as he did mine... RUDE!!!!
> > He had no business commenting on that at all!!!
> He was absolutely right, and you were absolutely wrong.  Your comments
> about his attitude and behavior were uncalled-for and out-of-line, but
> your racist and bigoted comments regarding his nationality/ethnicity
> were completely and utterly unacceptable in civilized discourse, not
> to mention in violation of our Community Guidelines.
> "I see you are French so likely an immigrant to the US. That you are
> French says enough right there.... Now your conduct makes much more
> sense to me.... Samsung and Tizen is doomed...."
> That is an absolutely horrifying statement, no different than if you
> had said, "That you are black" or "That you are a woman."  We do not
> tolerate bigotry, racism, or any other intolerant/hate speech directed
> at *anyone*, let alone one of the longest-term and most valuable
> developers we have!
> Furthermore, your constant rants and tirades are toxic to this
> community.  Your technical contributions are valued and appreciated,
> but the tone and attitude with which you regularly present them
> is...off-putting, to say the least.  With a little bit of effort, you
> could learn to say the same things without the snark and petty
> insults/jabs at the developers, and you'd be a lot less likely to
> receive the same in return.
> What's worse, you frequently lecture the community on our rudeness,
> our hostility, our lack of self-reflection/self-awareness, and so
> forth...yet the fact that each of those things can be accurately said
> about *you* seems to somehow escape your notice.  I'm not sure if you
> are just unaware of how you come across to others and how your diction
> and tone hinder your effectiveness as a communicator (often causing
> your message to be lost or overshadowed) or if you simply don't care.
> For the sake of your future relationships, both professional and
> interpersonal, I would encourage you to focus less on the behavior of
> others -- something you cannot affect -- and more on your own approach
> to interaction -- upon which you can have significant impact! :-)
> > Cedrics participation only ended up in my loss of my phabricator
> > account. Contributed nothing of technical value to that technical
> > issue. Which I do not believe that issue is resolved, as many others
> > with elm_code which still remain... Preventing progress with Ecrire.
> > https://github.com/Obsidian-StudiosInc/ecrire/issues
> >
> > None of which Cedric is working on, so why he got involved?
> Because he is a senior member of this community (as am I), having been
> involved for many years, and bears a certain amount of personal
> responsibility for the health of the community.  So when we see a less
> senior developer getting verbally flogged for no good reason, as
> happened to Andy Williams in that Phab ticket, we sometimes feel
> compelled to intervene on behalf of the attacked.
> The verbal berating Andy got from you for doing nothing more than
> removing an unnecessary and potentially confusing use of a TLA from a
> bug report (and by the way, SOL means "Shit Outta Luck," but it can
> also mean "Serial-Over-LAN" or "Simulation-Oriented Language" or over
> 300 other things...not to mention it's the actual name of the Sun, so
> Andy was right on!) was beyond inappropriate.  Literally the very
> first response from you was to snidely critique his time management
> skills, accuse him of trying to control other people, and ASSUME that
> he doesn't know what "SOL" stood for!  And later on you admonish him
> for how he handled the situation, saying he should "start out by being
> nice and thankful," and yet you *yourself* started out being
> judgmental and condescending, not "nice and thankful!"  Do you not see
> the immense hypocrisy?  Your constant attacks on others for exactly
> the same behaviors you yourself continue to exhibit is exhausting and
> toxic.
> Cedric was absolutely justified in intervening.  Had I seen what
> transpired, I'd have done the exact same thing.
> > IMHO these people who have been around for a long time are likely more
> > of the reason for the lack of new people, and direction things have
> > gone. They surely have not made my things any better for me as someone
> > new to EFL development and the community.
> You keep trying to place the blame for your bad experiences on other
> people, but whether it's the KDE community or the Gentoo community or
> the E community, you seem to run into interpersonal challenges
> everywhere you go.  What's the common factor?  YOU ARE!  Maybe that's
> where you should start looking for a solution!
> From the very first interactions you had with the community, dealing
> constructively with you has been a challenge because of your
> abrasiveness.  It's no wonder you keep having bad experiences when you
> continue to expect help and support from the very people you continue
> to bash, berate, belittle, and bemoan!
> > Hard for me to see things the way others do. You all are bias from
> > years of working with each other. I am new, and treated like garbage...
> > I am happy to see some go!!!
> And it's messages like this that are exactly the problem.  Instead of
> respecting his many years of contributions to E, or simply saying
> nothing at all, you just *had* to voice your opinion and bully a
> long-time valued member of our team.  What did you hope to accomplish?
>  What was the technical merit to your message?  How were you helping
> anything or anyone by saying "good riddance!" about Cedric?  Did you
> actually think you were being constructive? or is getting attention
> and inflicting your opinion on others so important to you that you
> don't care who gets hurt?
> I really hope you will take what I've said to heart and spend some
> time in honest, earnest self-reflection so that you can improve how
> you interact with people over e-mail.  Whether you're a different
> person IRL or not is irrelevant; how you come across online and in
> electronic/written communication *matters*, now more than ever before!
>  It would serve you well to admit that you have room to improve in
> that area and commit to addressing those shortcomings.
> Regardless, your interactions with the E developers have been
> consistently toxic and hostile, and that cannot be allowed to
> continue.  Abusive or bigoted comments are not welcome and will not be
> tolerated.  Appropriate measures can and will be taken as necessary.
> Michael

hats off

> -- 
> Michael Jennings (KainX)   https://medium.com/@mej0/    <m...@eterm.org>
> Linux/HPC Systems Engineer, LANL.gov      Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
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--- Hell'O from Yverdoom

Jérémy (jeyzu)

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