On Wed, Apr 15, 2020 at 08:13:01AM +0100, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> i want to kill the text console. i just don't see the point. it's so limited.
> it's no longer even ext mode. it's graphics mode with the kernel emulating 
> text
> on it for you.

For day-to-day, I agree.  But it's nice when I've junked up my WM or its
libraries and need an easy way to reinstall good packages... :)

> a graphical session with a fullscreen terminology gives the same
> effect/result just with a lot of added bonuses. hell terminology runs in a vt
> (but won't control backlight due to that needing infra that needs root 
> access).

Is there a way to force terminology to open a specific /dev/tty?  I just
tried to replace agetty in getty@.service with terminology.  It almost
works.  But it doesn't pick up the active terminal.  The process runs,
but nothing is drawn.

(I'm not saying this a good idea, terminology is scary to run as root.
But still, would be a fun trick.)

> at some point the kernel probably needs to wire up backlight to kms. also ddc
> controls probably need to be wired up with that too. you know e can control
> monitor backlights just like it controls your laptop internal screen 
> backlight?
> you can adjust brightness of each external monitor individually and e will
> also... fade these in and out to/from min to max etc. alongside your laptop
> internal backlight... :) it's lout of the box if you have libddcutil 
> installed.

I saw you mention this, but haven't had a chance to try it.  Been
testing without docking.  Definitely a cool feature though.


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