On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 08:40:24 +1000 David Seikel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> babbled:

> This is a pet peeve of mine, so I'll just vent some steam.  B-)
> On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 01:50:44 +0300 "Hisham Mardam Bey"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > So what if we have an API break? We can take care of it - we have not
> > even made a stable release yet! If a developer takes the time to
> > improve something that no one else has the time (or will) to work on,
> > and it results in an API break, lets get his code into CVS (on the
> > condition that he fixes the core libraries and applications that are
> > affected). What are the core libraries and applications? Thats a good
> > question that we need to answer as a community and as a group of
> > developers.
> I've brought up the topic before, particularly with respect to ETK and
> EWL.  Those that break an API in E's CVS should fix everything in E's
> CVS that gets broken by it.  Despite all protestations to the contrary,
> it's not that hard.  Whenever I've brought up this topic before, it's
> always "it's too hard, there are thousands of things to change".  After
> getting annoyed and fixing things myself, I usually find the fixes are
> trivial.

it's not hard - if you have mountains of spare time. change 1 very commonly
used function to have different (more less, changed) parameters - and boom you
may need to find 100's of instances - across 10's of directories or 100's. and
edit them all. changing 1 small thing because you feel like it may take 10
minutes in evas or edje or ecore - but then sink hours across everything else
to fix it. it is NOT easy to break an api. not once it is in use - especially
heavy use. every api break needs to be weighed up and considered.

> If it's trivial for me, a person that didn't change the API and has to
> figure things out by careful inspection of the commit email, then it
> will be even more trivial for the person that changed the API, as they
> will already understand the change.

again - see above. the person breaking the api may be able to change it easily
- in principle, but in practice it could be 5hrs of api fixes for 10 mins of
acutal api break.

> We like to take pride in the stability of our CVS, any random snapshot
> is likely to just compile and work.  We have a reputation amongst our
> users for having an unreleased, constantly changing code base that is
> more stable and usable than v3.5 releases of other projects.  This is
> why some Linux distros are not only happy to use E17 as an officially
> supported WM, they make loud noise about using E17.
> Whatever development environment you use, they often come with tools
> that make these sort of fixes easy.  It's not rocket science, it's
> business as usual computer science.  Computer programmers change APIs
> all the time, and we have written many tools to help with this change
> process.  Please use them.

as above - there is a COST. i can and do break api's - but i do not do it
unless i REALLY NEED TO. i will advocate doing things in ways that do not break
api's. breaking semantics (not just the rigid api itself) is also bad - but not
quite as bad as things till compile and probably work - but they work a "little

> End of rant.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Tokyo, Japan (東京 日本)

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