> what you want is an:
> evas_object_image_rescale(Evas_Object *obj, int w, int h);
> which forcibly rescales ANY image to a particular size - be it
> loaded from a file or generated as ARGB data. this gives you the

        This has been something I've suggested to you before, many
times - it was something you never found needed. Yes, that could be
useful in various situations.

> choice after load - if the load options didn't get you a size
> you are happy with "for free" to do extra work to fix it. with
> enignes like the opengl engine scaling is "free" so you might
> not want to pay the price of a software-scale on load when a
> "please pre-scale this to this size - if you can do it for no
> extra cost" is by far better - for jpeg in this case u can load
> a large jpeg image at a reduced size much faster and then scale
> with GL afterwards "for free". putting that into the load and
> load options takes that choice away.

        Nothing is for free.. and to make evas' potential semantics
depend on not only the existance of GL, but also good drivers for it
(so that the claimed 'free' scaling is obtained), seems like somewhat
of a new reach for evas.

        No, it doesn't take any choice away whatever - you don't
have to set scale options.. and for your 'jpeg' case you can just
set the power-of-2 you want and it would still do that part.
Not only that, but if one really wanted to go taht way, one could
make all engines (gl, xrender, ...) part of the scaling-on-load
process (lot more work, but could be done if that's really a big
thing to have).

        Not respecting size related load options uniformly across
loaders could take away, as well as create confusion. What it could
take away is the ability to cache an image loaded at a size other
than the file-given one.. if load-options were added to edje that
could be very useful. Of course one could also go the extra mile
and add caching of scaled images loaded from files or not, but it's
yet an extra new thing.

        I don't see an 'image_rescale' api function and a consistent
semantics for load-size options as mutually exclusive. But, since you
obviously feel very strongly about this and I don't.. again, I'll
leave it up to you, and those who have use cases where these things
come up, to decide as to what the best way to go might be.

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