
as some of you might already know from IRC, I've been working on a tiling
module for e17 for about a month. Today, it reached feature-complete status
and this is a good moment to post to the development list, I thought ;-).

For those of you who are not familiar with the concepts that (for example) ion
or wmii use: The windows on your screen always fill the whole available space,
there are no overlapping windows. Some people quite like this concept and are
more productive with it. Some (like me) have worked implicitly this way
sometimes - this can be more effective when using the module which does all
placement for you :-).

To get an idea of the configuration, see:
(You need to install the CACert-root-certificate for this to work in newer
versions of firefox, go to http://www.cacert.org/index.php?id=3 and use the
class 3 one.)

To see how the different layouts look like:
https://twice-irc.de/misc/tiling/bigmain_xinerama.png (Big window left, small
windows on the right)
https://twice-irc.de/misc/tiling/grid_xinerama.png (Grid mode)

Of course, Xinerama is supported :-).

There may still be bugs, so I'd appreciate some testing. Please don't comment
the "#define DEBUG" out and let e17 log to a file, for example using "startx
/opt/e17/bin/enlightenment_start 2>&1 1>elog" and send me the file afterwards
if you're having strange bugs which are not design flaws.

There is a short HOWTO on installing as you need to apply a patch for adding
another event before desktop changes, so check
https://twice-irc.de/misc/HOWTO-e17-tiling if you'd like to try it.

For those familiar with patching/compiling, use "git clone
git://dev.twice-irc.de/e17-tiling.git" or check webgit on

Best regards,

PS: The module has exactly 1337 lines of ansi-c-code according to SLOCCount -
if that isn't a good sign... ;-)

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