
I am planning to reorganize the header files of evas, which is a big fat mess. Then I remembered a discussion on the ML about data types in evas and ecore, and their respective performance.

So I'm wondering if, before reorganising the header files, it would be a good idea to extract from Evas.h all the structures and functions related to evas data types (array, hash, list and stringshare, but not obecjt_list), and put them in Evas_Data.h. I would also put Evas_Bool in it as it is needed by some function and as I want to make Evas_Data.h stand-alone.

I've attached a patch and the Evas_Data.h file

there is no specific library for those evas data types with that patch. It's only a move of the api from Evas.h to Evas_Data.h

Some questions, now:

 * is it really useful to put stringshare there ?
* should I create a specific lib for data types ? or should the users link against evas to use them ? I prefer the first solution.

? src/lib/Evas_Data.h
? src/lib/cache/evas_cache.h
? src/lib/data/evas_array.lo
? src/lib/engines/common_16/libevas_engine_common_16.la
Index: src/lib/Evas.h
RCS file: /cvs/e/e17/libs/evas/src/lib/Evas.h,v
retrieving revision 1.127
diff -u -r1.127 Evas.h
--- src/lib/Evas.h      4 Jun 2008 16:39:42 -0000       1.127
+++ src/lib/Evas.h      29 Jun 2008 17:10:36 -0000
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
  * @brief These routines are used for Evas library interaction.
+#include <Evas_Data.h>
 typedef enum _Evas_Callback_Type
    EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_IN, /**< Mouse In Event */
@@ -84,13 +86,10 @@
    EVAS_COLORSPACE_RGB565_A5P /**< 16bit rgb565 + Alpha plane at end - 5 bits 
of the 8 being used per alpha byte */
 } Evas_Colorspace; /**< Colorspaces for pixel data supported by Evas */
-typedef struct _Evas_Array            Evas_Array; /**< A generic vector */
-typedef struct _Evas_List             Evas_List; /**< A generic linked list 
node handle */
 typedef struct _Evas_Rectangle        Evas_Rectangle; /**< A generic rectangle 
handle */
 typedef struct _Evas_Coord_Rectangle  Evas_Coord_Rectangle; /**< A generic 
rectangle handle */
 typedef struct _Evas_Smart_Class      Evas_Smart_Class; /**< A smart object 
base class */
-typedef struct _Evas_Hash Evas_Hash; /**< A Hash table handle */
 typedef struct _Evas Evas; /**< An Evas canvas handle */
 typedef struct _Evas_Object Evas_Object; /**< An Evas Object handle */
 typedef void Evas_Performance; /**< An Evas Performance handle */
@@ -103,23 +102,6 @@
 typedef int           Evas_Coord;
 typedef int           Evas_Font_Size;
 typedef int           Evas_Angle;
-typedef unsigned char Evas_Bool;
-struct _Evas_Array /** An array of data */
-   void                **data; /**< Pointer to a vector of pointer to payload 
-   unsigned int   total; /**< Total number of slot in the vector */
-   unsigned int   count; /**< Number of activ slot in the vector */
-   unsigned int          step; /**< How much must we grow the vector When it 
is full */
-struct _Evas_List /** A linked list node */
-   void      *data; /**< Pointer to list element payload */
-   Evas_List *next; /**< Next member in the list */
-   Evas_List *prev; /**< Previous member in the list */
-   struct _Evas_List_Accounting *accounting; /**< Private list accounting info 
- don't touch */
 struct _Evas_Rectangle /** A rectangle */
@@ -402,58 +384,6 @@
 #ifdef __cplusplus
 extern "C" {
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_append                  (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_prepend                 (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_append_relative         (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data, const void *relative);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_append_relative_list    (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data, Evas_List *relative);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_prepend_relative        (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data, const void *relative);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_prepend_relative_list   (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data, Evas_List *relative);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_remove                  (Evas_List *list, 
const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_remove_list             (Evas_List *list, 
Evas_List *remove_list);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_promote_list            (Evas_List *list, 
Evas_List *move_list);
-   EAPI void             *evas_list_find                    (const Evas_List 
*list, const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_find_list               (const Evas_List 
*list, const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_free                    (Evas_List *list);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_last                    (const Evas_List 
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_next                    (const Evas_List 
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_prev                    (const Evas_List 
-   EAPI void             *evas_list_data                    (const Evas_List 
-   EAPI int               evas_list_count                   (const Evas_List 
-   EAPI void             *evas_list_nth                     (const Evas_List 
*list, int n);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_nth_list                (const Evas_List 
*list, int n);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_reverse                 (Evas_List *list);
-   EAPI Evas_List        *evas_list_sort                    (Evas_List *list, 
int size, int(*func)(void*,void*));
-   EAPI int               evas_list_alloc_error             (void);
-   EAPI Evas_Array       *evas_array_new                    (unsigned int 
-   EAPI void              evas_array_setup                  (Evas_Array 
*array, unsigned int step);
-   EAPI void              evas_array_free                   (Evas_Array 
-   EAPI void              evas_array_append                 (Evas_Array 
*array, void *data);
-   EAPI void             *evas_array_get                    (Evas_Array 
*array, unsigned int index);
-   EAPI void              evas_array_clean                  (Evas_Array 
-   EAPI void              evas_array_flush                  (Evas_Array 
-   EAPI void              evas_array_remove                 (Evas_Array 
*array, Evas_Bool (*keep)(void *data, void *gdata), void *gdata);
-   /* FIXME: add:
-    * api to add find, del members by data, size not just string and also
-    * provide hash generation functions settable by the app
-    *
-    * do we really need this? hmmm - let me think... there may be a better way
-    */
-   EAPI Evas_Hash        *evas_hash_add                     (Evas_Hash *hash, 
const char *key, const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_Hash        *evas_hash_direct_add              (Evas_Hash *hash, 
const char *key, const void *data);
-   EAPI Evas_Hash        *evas_hash_del                     (Evas_Hash *hash, 
const char *key, const void *data);
-   EAPI void             *evas_hash_find                    (const Evas_Hash 
*hash, const char *key);
-   EAPI void             *evas_hash_modify                  (Evas_Hash *hash, 
const char *key, const void *data);
-   EAPI int               evas_hash_size                    (const Evas_Hash 
-   EAPI void              evas_hash_free                    (Evas_Hash *hash);
-   EAPI void              evas_hash_foreach                 (const Evas_Hash 
*hash, Evas_Bool (*func) (const Evas_Hash *hash, const char *key, void *data, 
void *fdata), const void *fdata);
-   EAPI int               evas_hash_alloc_error             (void);
-   EAPI const char       *evas_stringshare_add              (const char *str);
-   EAPI void              evas_stringshare_del              (const char *str);
    EAPI int               evas_alloc_error                  (void);
#ifndef _EVAS_DATA_H
#define _EVAS_DATA_H

#ifdef EAPI
# undef EAPI

#ifdef _WIN32
#  ifdef DLL_EXPORT
#   define EAPI __declspec(dllexport)
#  else
#   define EAPI
#  endif /* ! DLL_EXPORT */
# else
#  define EAPI __declspec(dllimport)
# endif /* ! EFL_EVAS_BUILD */
# ifdef __GNUC__
#  if __GNUC__ >= 4
#   define EAPI __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
#  else
#   define EAPI
#  endif
# else
#  define EAPI
# endif
#endif /* ! _WIN32 */

 * @file
 * @brief These routines are used for Evas data types.

typedef unsigned char Evas_Bool;

typedef struct _Evas_Array            Evas_Array;    /**< A generic vector */
typedef struct _Evas_Hash             Evas_Hash;     /**< A Hash table handle */
typedef struct _Evas_List             Evas_List;     /**< A generic linked list 
node handle */

struct _Evas_Array /** An array of data */
   void         **data;   /**< Pointer to a vector of pointer to payload */
   unsigned int   total;  /**< Total number of slot in the vector */
   unsigned int   count;  /**< Number of activ slot in the vector */
   unsigned int   step;   /**< How much must we grow the vector When it is full 

struct _Evas_List                             /** A linked list node */
   void      *data;                           /**< Pointer to list element 
payload */
   Evas_List *next;                           /**< Next member in the list */
   Evas_List *prev;                           /**< Previous member in the list 
   struct _Evas_List_Accounting *accounting;  /**< Private list accounting info 
- don't touch */

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

   * Evas Array functions

   EAPI Evas_Array *evas_array_new                  (unsigned int step);
   EAPI void        evas_array_setup                (Evas_Array *array, 
unsigned int step);
   EAPI void        evas_array_free                 (Evas_Array *array);
   EAPI void        evas_array_append               (Evas_Array *array, void 
   EAPI void       *evas_array_get                  (Evas_Array *array, 
unsigned int index);
   EAPI void        evas_array_clean                (Evas_Array *array);
   EAPI void        evas_array_flush                (Evas_Array *array);
   EAPI void        evas_array_remove               (Evas_Array *array, 
Evas_Bool (*keep)(void *data, void *gdata), void *gdata);

   * Evas Hash functions

   /* FIXME: add:
    * api to add find, del members by data, size not just string and also
    * provide hash generation functions settable by the app
    * do we really need this? hmmm - let me think... there may be a better way
   EAPI Evas_Hash  *evas_hash_add                   (Evas_Hash *hash, const 
char *key, const void *data);
   EAPI Evas_Hash  *evas_hash_direct_add            (Evas_Hash *hash, const 
char *key, const void *data);
   EAPI Evas_Hash  *evas_hash_del                   (Evas_Hash *hash, const 
char *key, const void *data);
   EAPI void       *evas_hash_find                  (const Evas_Hash *hash, 
const char *key);
   EAPI void       *evas_hash_modify                (Evas_Hash *hash, const 
char *key, const void *data);
   EAPI int         evas_hash_size                  (const Evas_Hash *hash);
   EAPI void        evas_hash_free                  (Evas_Hash *hash);
   EAPI void        evas_hash_foreach               (const Evas_Hash *hash, 
Evas_Bool (*func) (const Evas_Hash *hash, const char *key, void *data, void 
*fdata), const void *fdata);
   EAPI int         evas_hash_alloc_error           (void);

   * Evas List functions

   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_append                (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_prepend               (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_append_relative       (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data, const void *relative);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_append_relative_list  (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data, Evas_List *relative);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_prepend_relative      (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data, const void *relative);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_prepend_relative_list (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data, Evas_List *relative);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_remove                (Evas_List *list, const 
void *data);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_remove_list           (Evas_List *list, Evas_List 
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_promote_list          (Evas_List *list, Evas_List 
   EAPI void       *evas_list_find                  (const Evas_List *list, 
const void *data);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_find_list             (const Evas_List *list, 
const void *data);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_free                  (Evas_List *list);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_last                  (const Evas_List *list);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_next                  (const Evas_List *list);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_prev                  (const Evas_List *list);
   EAPI void       *evas_list_data                  (const Evas_List *list);
   EAPI int         evas_list_count                 (const Evas_List *list);
   EAPI void       *evas_list_nth                   (const Evas_List *list, int 
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_nth_list              (const Evas_List *list, int 
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_reverse               (Evas_List *list);
   EAPI Evas_List  *evas_list_sort                  (Evas_List *list, int size, 
   EAPI int         evas_list_alloc_error           (void);

   * Evas Stringshare functions

   EAPI const char *evas_stringshare_add            (const char *str);
   EAPI void        evas_stringshare_del            (const char *str);

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* _EVAS_DATA_H */
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