Jose Gonzalez wrote:
> Luchezar Petkov wrote:
>>> Cedric was interested on the project by himself and because it was
>>> technically good, i think having a common library for data types is
>>> something we all agree. I think he will reply on this. And yes,  the
>>> license do has something to do with this, as *i* want it to be lgpl.
>> Ok, let's stop here. It's not about what you want. It's about what we all
>> want.
>> I, and a lot of people in our community do NOT want our CORE base of
>> libraries to be licensed with different licenses. I don't care about
>> "third-party" (or non-core) things like Etk or Evolve or Edje_Editor or some
>> theme/module or Ewl, etc, etc. I personally made the compromise to relicense
>> my contribution (of about 80 icons) to Evolve because I respect Hisham and
>> his choice. And I'm not against LGPL or any other license, but we MUST keep
>> your CORE code base consistent. As you all already saw it's nearly
>> impossible to move our code base to another license, so just simply KEEP IT
>> BSD!
>       "Our" core base libs? Obviously there's a difference in opinion
> between various contributors to these core libs. Consistency may or may
> not be the ultimate aim, and the growth of the project may depend on
> changes... But whichever way it goes, it would be up to those who are
> working on the code and doing real contributions on those libs - growth
> as the market decides.
>       If it's someone or else's dictated views, and that does not address the
> concerns of current or potential developers, then you may well find this
> becoming a very small project indeed, or simply remaining the elitist niche
> it's been for so very long.

What difference in opinion is there in the core libs.  The core libs 
have always been defined as those libs used by E.  By this definition, 
EWL, ETK, etc are not core libs.  They do however depend on these core 
libs in some way.  The reason for all the inconsistency in the community 
is due to things like this.  Someone tends to complain about something 
without good reasons to be doing so and just goes off and does their own 
thing instead of contributing back to the original effort.  There are 
cases when this is fine such as some incredibly bad unfinished start of 
code from a dev who has completely left.  In that case there is cause to 
start a new effort and this has been done a few times in the past.  
There are cases however where people wouldn't compromise and it's lead 
to fracture.  Not saying one side or the other was right, just saying 
that there tends to be a lack of compromise and maybe that's good since 
we have been able to keep things lean and light till now.  Sometimes 
compromise just leads things down the wrong path and if the authors of a 
lib feel that a compromise cannot be reached then that's their choice as 
the initial developers of that lib.  They have a say in what hits 
mainline.  So maybe we just don't feel like polluting our code with 
certain things just to please people in the short term and instead we 
actually weigh their suggestions against our goals and decide whether 
their contribution is helpful in that cause.  Some people don't take 
rejection well.  Are we elitist or just realistic about what we want?  I 
find that too many people are too willing to accept shit these days and 
not ask questions...
>> Imagine our "License" page on our website: "Well, some of our core libraries
>> (evas, ecore...) are licensed under the BSD license, but some others are
>> LGPL'd". This will only frustrate and confuse newcomers.
>> Nobody cares if BSD is comfortable for your or anyone else's company, this
>> is our current license and raster's 10 years arguments on GPL -> BSD are
>> still valid and good. Plus, again, we just can't relicense those libraries,
>> you know the reasons.
>> You guys are just doing mistakes and all this is a huge bullshit that
>> frustrates both developers and users. See, Dan already left... A man with a
>> huge contribution to the whole project. You want to make someone else leave?
>> I think a lot of people will support me here.
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