
I'm using the 177.80 proprietary driver from nVidia. I'm interested on  
trying nouveau. How do I install it?


On Oct 30, 2008, at 9:02 AM, Ross Vandegrift wrote:

> On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 07:33:02AM -0600, Jorge Mariani wrote:
>> I have a Dell Precision M4300, CoreDuo, 4GB RAM, two disks (40GB  
>> Solid
>> State, 80GB SATA), and nVidia Quadro FX360M.
>> I have installed Ubuntu Server with LAMP.
>> I usually run Firefox 3.0.3 with Firebug, Scite or Bluefish, Pidgin,
>> and sometimes GIMP.
> [snip]
>> I navigated the whole internet looking for solutions, and none  
>> worked,
>> until I found an article talking about GMail messaging and having
>> issues with that. So, i disabled GMail from Pidgin (I only have Luca
>> connected) and then voila, freezing is no longer happening, and the
>> machine is usable again (besides the fact Firefox still eats round  
>> 40%
>> CPU when scrolling a page).
> Noting that your video card is nvidia and you're seeing slow
> scrolling, you're probably using the nv open source driver.
> If this is correct, you're likely experiencing software glyph and
> compositing issues from Xorg.  You'll notice this happens in varying
> degress when Gecko renders layers of translucent images.  The more
> layers to blend the worse it get.
> Check if nouveau, the experimental accelerated driver, supports your
> chipset.  If so, you should experience quite better performance.  I'm
> using nouveau with a G7x card and Enlightenment.
> Ross
> --
> Ross Vandegrift
> "If the fight gets hot, the songs get hotter.  If the going gets  
> tough,
> the songs get tougher."
>       --Woody Guthrie

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