Am Sun, 21 Dec 2008 18:11:15 +0200 schrieb

> Hi Andreas,

Hello Teodor,

I put on Cc as it may be of
public interest.

> I'm writing you to ask some questions about eflpp:
> 1. Is it possible to install and use only eet++ (if not, is it easy to
> modify the autotools configuration, I know nothig about autotools
> though :() 

In near future I plan to split the big eflpp build to smaller ones as
in the C EFL packages. Then you've a eet build without the rest. If you
like to now you've to modify SUBDIRS variable in src/ Maybe
also AC_OUTPUT in Try it if you like, but don't expect
any more help as this isn't the correct way to do it in the end.

2. Is sigc++ better in something than bind/function which
> will be in the next standart(in tr1 at the moment) and can eflpp be
> switched to them? 

I used sigc++ often in the past and I know it. I don't know anything
about bind/function in tr1. Is this a new C++ standard? When will it be
official? Do you've a link for this topic. But I don't think it would
be smart to base eflpp on something that is so new. I will take a long
time until all compilers support it.

3. Is there any particular reason to prefer
> prefixes than namespaces: efl::EvasFunc1
> than
>   elf::evas::Func1
> or even
>   evas::Func1

I think it was efl:: because currently all stuff is in one big library.
Maybe efl::evas::Func1 could be smart. I'll investigate this after the
library split.

> I'm using c++ and ewl to write a filemanager app and I think I'll use
> eet for the configuration files. I've also done an ewl c++ wrapper
> (not complete at all). And I can contribute the code to eflpp when it
> is more complete.

I just started to wrap ETK as you see with my last commit. In parallel
I liked to start with EWL. But if you yet work on it we may share our
work. But the EWL wrapper you do has to fit the eflpp design. How far
did you proceed? Could you show something?


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