On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 8:01 AM, Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 1:23 AM, André Dieb <andre.d...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Ressurecting this discussion... any new thoughts?
>> Having a sane and consistent coding style is very important, it annoyed me
> quite often when I worked with e's code.
> There are two important things needed to be done:
> 1. Having a simple and comprehensive text explaining the coding style.
> 2. Having a working 'indent' command that changes the code to the wanted
> style. (Not trivial at all, gnu-indent has it's share of issues).


> I found this line in your email: "I have attached a proposal. The structure
> is based on the cairo" Thoguh I have failed to find it.
> It's probably because my eyes lost track because of all the mess. If you can
> do section 1 for your suggestion, that would be great,
> this way people will be able to respond in a sane manner.

This was from vincent I guess.

> Just my thoughts,
> --
> Tom.
> P.S
> Concerning:
>> i have always had/used:
>> blah
>>  {
>>   xx;
>>  }
>> ie {}'s are indented a bit.
> I hate it, always have. I actually really like the kernel's coding
> conventions: http://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle

Well, there is always a coding style one will hate, and another will
love. As this is meritocracy and raster did most of the code, it's
better to have others to follow him than force him to use some random
style because people don't like it.

The funny thing about this is that the majority of the people that
complain do the minority of the code :-/ And no, saying one does not
write code because of the style is not a valid option. :-D


Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
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