Hello and thanks 

I have rename my topic on callback .
this topic follow the focus problem

i have update my code, and i have the minimum, so a background
"object_01" and on object zozor and i want this object follow the move
of the mouse.
and with this code the zozor will be follow the mouse only if the mouse
he is on it? but i want zozor follow evry time the mouse move, 
I don't understand what is wrong on the code please ?

#include <Ecore.h>
#include <Ecore_Evas.h>

void cb_down(void *data, Evas *e, Evas_Object *obj, void *event_info)
        Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *event;
        event = (Evas_Event_Mouse_Move *)event_info; 
        printf("touche pressée: %d en coordonnée (%d,%d)\n",
event->buttons,event->cur.output.x,event->cur.output.y );// show the
buttons, and coordonnée
   evas_object_move (obj,
event->cur.output.x,event->cur.output.y);//move the object

main (int argc, char *argv[])
        Ecore_Evas  *ecran;
        Evas        *evas; 
        Evas_Object *object_01,*zozor;
       int iw,ih;

       if (!ecore_evas_init())
                printf("Ecore_Evas failed. Please check your installation!\n");
                return 1;

        ecran = ecore_evas_new ("software_x11", 0, 0, 800, 600, NULL);
        if (!ecran) // 
                ecore_evas_shutdown (); 
                return EXIT_FAILURE; 
        ecore_evas_show (ecran);
        evas = ecore_evas_get (ecran);

//Notre object qui vas contenir l'image        
        object_01 = evas_object_image_add (evas);
        evas_object_image_file_set (object_01, "lac_en_montagne.jpg",
        evas_object_image_size_get(object_01, &iw, &ih); 
        evas_object_image_size_set(object_01, iw, ih);
        evas_object_image_fill_set(object_01, 0, 0, iw, ih);
        evas_object_resize (object_01, iw, ih);
        evas_object_move (object_01, 0, 0);
        evas_object_show (object_01);  

//Notre object qui vas contenir l'image        
        zozor = evas_object_image_add (evas);
        evas_object_image_file_set (zozor, "zozor_transparent.png",
        evas_object_image_size_get(zozor, &iw, &ih); 
        evas_object_image_size_set(zozor, iw, ih);
        evas_object_image_fill_set(zozor, 0, 0, iw, ih);
        evas_object_resize (zozor, iw, ih);
        evas_object_move (zozor, 0, 0);
        evas_object_show (zozor);         
       evas_object_event_callback_add(zozor, EVAS_CALLBACK_MOUSE_MOVE,
cb_down, NULL);

//Fin du programme
        ecore_evas_shutdown (); 
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


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