Hey guys,

kudos to Cedric and everyone else involved in making the release,
announcement is below:

BETA2 Release of core EFL
Nov 12, 2010 at 08:30 AM

"Enlightenment must come little by little -- otherwise it would
overwhelm." -- Idries Shah

We're excited to announce the second beta release of the Enlightenment
Foundation Libraries. After a huge amount of work by our developers,
we are finally approaching the 1.0 release, and we're asking for the
community to help test this version in the widest array possible of
configurations so that we can be confident our final product will be

Barring any serious showstoppers, we're considering our API and ABI
stable and the next step in our plan is the final release itself. If
you've developed applications or libraries using the EFL, please test
them against this version and report back.

Testing is pretty easy, if you're using the EFL from our Subversion
repository you can test with revision 54513, but to ensure a smooth
release later on, please consider testing with the tarballs provided

The list of libraries that are being considered as part of this release are:
 * Eina - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Eet - 1.4.0 BETA2
 * Evas - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Ecore - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Embryo - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Edje - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * E_Dbus - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Efreet - 1.0.0 BETA2
 * Eeze - 1.0.0 BETA2

There are also snapshots being made available for the following
projects (as well as bindings for Python and Javascript), and we would
really appreciate feedback on all of them but please notice that they
are still considered work in progress and may have bugs or lack
certain features:
 * Eio
 * Ethumb
 * Elementary
 * Editje
 * WebKit-EFL
 * Eve
 * Ephoto
 * Enlightenment

We've recently begun a documentation task force, trying to cleanup the
wiki pages making information more easily accessible. Also, as part of
our release process, we're really interested in engaging with distros
to make sure that those libraries and applications are properly
packaged and made available. So if you're willing to participate just
get in touch with us via mailing list or IRC (#edevelop @ freenode)
and help us make this release awesome.


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Garrison Keillor

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