On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 2:32 AM, Ravenlock <ravenl...@ravenlock.us> wrote:
> Can FreeBSD users play too, with the majority of ya'll running linux?

In the case of Buildbot and Jenkins, the concept of master/slave is
central and should definitely be considered seriously. That means not
only a build server, but distributed build over a build farm of
computers with different OSes.

I know Jenkins better so I'll talk a little bit about that.

Say the master is a Linux box. Fine, it runs the java container and
Jenkins application as the server machine, and it can also be used as
a build machine by following a task to try to build a library or
application, or generate doxygen, or get code coverage / unit testing
/ whatever a script or a plugin can do for us.

But this master can also trigger a build on a distant machine, should
it be running any Unix (in that case, ssh connection between the 2
machines is the easiest and painless way, with a dedicated
'hudson_slave' user for example for security) or even Windows
(commands issued via JLNP or a windows service).

One of the machines could be running a 'BSD OS.

Going further: we only want one machine because the other ones are
owned by the devs, they bite and don't want a distant robot to execute
commands and take up their CPU.

Fine again. Let's virtualize. Jenkins is able to connect, via its
plugins, to various virtual machine interfaces (vmware, virtualbox).
QEmu is easy to automate so no plugin needed. So we can simply run
different virtual machines on the server, on demand, when a build is
triggered on them. It is transparent from the Jenkins interface, the
virtual machines appear like other physical nodes.

So, many possibilities. FreeBSD users will have their playground too,
don't worry. :)


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