On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 8:32 AM, Lionel Orry <lionel.o...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 20, 2011 at 3:27 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> 
> wrote:
>> On Sat, 19 Feb 2011 17:08:33 +0000 Lionel Orry <lionel.o...@gmail.com> said:
>>> I understand your explanation about builds. I know builds are stable
>>> and do work fairly well on a variety of platforms.
>>> But when I talk about CI, I don't talk specifically about rebuilds,
>>> but I am in the same problematic as you: I think about testing. Build
>>> bots have a wrong name in that they are not restricted to buids, but
>>> my intent was to evaluate the possibilities of CI software in terms of
>>> testing.
>>> Of course it needs an automated backend, because the build (I should
>>> say the _task_) is machine-controlled. But as long as some tests are
>>> available and are automated (make check is our backend here), the CI
>>> soft can gather the test results, publish them, warn/blame devs who
>>> broke the devs, and also keep track of the results over time and give
>>> us statistics.
>>> So indeed I was not exactly focused on build, but rather on testing,
>>> given the current status of libs.
>>> Now, I agree with you on another point: the backend (make check or
>>> whatever more specific app) and the actual TEST CASES are the
>>> important topic to work on. And there's nothing much I can give back
>>> about that, all of you will be much more experienced. I have no
>>> experience in graphical framework testing. So in the meantime, I just
>>> tried to see what we could get from a CI software. You've just
>>> demotivated me so I may give up with this task anyway.
>> oh... oops - hahahah - wasn't meaning to do that. i was meaning to MOTIVATE 
>> you
>> - and others to work on the testing bit. for non-gui things it's easier as 
>> you
>> have software create data (eg eina data struct stuff) and then use eina to do
>> things and check results are as expected - all in code.
>> indeed gui is the big nasty problem. you build somethng you expect to sit
>> around and wait for a user to interact with. this means we need to pretend to
>> be that user from code. and how do we chekc output? screengrab? we need to
>> detect things like choppy rendering (framerate is uneven or drops to 1/2 or 
>> 1/4
>> of what it should be) if the ui transitions in the right way to the final
>> expected state etc. etc. - that's non-trivial. :(
>>> I will think and have a look at what could help in automating gui
>>> interaction. Hope I will eventually bring something you can find
>>> useful.
>> there are things that do this - xrecord and xtest are there for recording 
>> user
>> input and playing it back. but that doesnt handle checking the progress along
>> the way... :)
>>> BTW, I can try to work on the tests themselves as well, but I don't
>>> know where to start. Is there any test-oriented roadmap anywhere?
>> none - other than "get up and do something - make tests". :) scratch your 
>> itch.
>> it sounds like you're the kind of person to whom this kind of testing is
>> important - as you've said. so that'd motivate you - i was hoping :) there is
>> enough of efl that doesnt require interactivity to test that needs testing so
>> that's better than no testing at all (you can test the lower bits of evas
>> easily like have a set of image files (png, jpg, bmp etc.) and make sure its 
>> a
>> large set (very high res, tiny, with and within alpha, weird sizes and wierd
>> versions of the formats) and then test evas in loading the image and getting
>> the image data. compare to known "good" signature. that's easily done. as i
>> said before - eina is easy to test this way. a lot of ecore is too and eet.
>> in fact - i'd suggest picking a small target. let's say eet. and write a
>> comperehensive self-test suite. eet is small and well contained. a test suite
>> (imho) is not just testing that it works right and doesn't crash, but that it
>> also doesn't leak memory, that it's memory footprint doesn't unexpectedly
>> become a lot bigger doing the same thing, that it doesn't suddenyl become a 
>> lot
>> slower etc. etc., so... the test suit tests for correctness AND then also
>> benchmarks. benchmakr speed and memory size during operation (before and 
>> after)
>> etc. etc. and record and then every test records this and maybe puts up 
>> results
>> on a web page - it can even nicely graph the results over time - every 
>> revision
>> of change can have the correctness and then speed + memory benchmark re-run 
>> and
>> if results for speed+memory show a "significant change" maybe a mail is sent 
>> to
>> enlightenment-devel alerting which revision caused it?
>> does that motivate you more? :)
> Yes it does. But don't take my words too dramatically, I was only
> talking about motivation about CI evaluation. I still wish I can help
> the EFL get even better.
> The guidelines on eet are interesting, and I think someone should
> summarise those points on the wiki, we never know, that may give some
> ideas to volunteers.
> At work, I'm getting used to checking memory leaks since we develop
> persistent software that should be able to run for months and treat
> huge amount of data. So I may dig in this for eet for now, using
> valgrind, clang and other tools. I could also see if some kind of
> fuzzy testing can have an interest (if the memory allocation is
> dependent on the input/output data content and not only size).

Oh yes ! Fuzzy testing of eet_data would be great ! Same opinion for
benchmarking memory and cpu consumption. That's what eet test suite is
currently lacking.

In the same kind of idea, we are lacking a tool equivalent to
expedite, but for edje. Something that does run a wide range of edje
file with various layout to evaluate speed and memory consumption. I
made this one a GSoC entry, but if someone want to take on it early,
that's good to !
Cedric BAIL

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