Hello !

I am a French student in engineering, and I've chosen with a friend to work
out an optional project for our studies. This project consists in making
three enlightenment new desktop modules. In order not to be disturbed by the
current development, we decided to stuck ourselves at the svn revision

We started our widgets with Skel which we modify for our purposes.
One of our widget has to implement the Elementary clock, but we can't manage
to add the linking of the Elementary library into the automatic autogen
process of compiling, linking and installing of the module into E17…

We've included Elementary.h into the concerned source files, and the
resulting file "module.so" of the compilation does not specify any link with
libelementary.so, by looking with ldd. If we try to activate the module in
an E17 session, we've got an error message that says "elm_clock_add : could
not find symbol".

We've tried to specify manualy the path of the libelementary.so file into
several environment variables such as $LIBS or $E_LIBS, but that was

We will be highly grateful if you would deign help us.


Quentin Gibeaux (and Jean Creusefond)

PS: This is not an april fool :)
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