On Fri, 20 May 2011 21:01:02 +0900 Seunggyun Kim <sgyun....@samsung.com> said:

hey seunggym!

thanks for the patch. reviewed and in svn.

just take note:

when doing math inside if's put the math inside ()'s also other math ops where
you mix +, -, / and *. i fixed the patch for these bits. i.e.

a + b / 2 <- WRONG
a + (b / 2) <- RIGHT

if (a + b < 2) <- WRONG
if ((a + b) < 2) <- RIGHT

why? i have seen too many peoilpe make "oops" errors in their math and inside
if's where they get the order of operation with +, -, /, * , other bitwise and
logic ops wrong. it's too much to keep in your head all the time as to who gets
done first, so just put ()'s in to explicitly say what you want done in what
order. it doesn't make the code slower and it EXPLICITLY says to others reading
your code what you intended to happen. without this they are often left
guessing when they hunt bugs in this code. :)

> Dear all,
> I introduce a new feature "reorder mode" of genlist.
> Using this feature, user can reoder genlist items dynamically.
> [API]
> ==================================================================
> - EAPI Eina_Bool   elm_genlist_item_rename_mode_get(Elm_Genlist_Item *it)
> Get the rename mode state of an item. This gets the rename mode state of an
> item
> - EAPI void   elm_genlist_reorder_mode_set(Evas_Object *obj, Eina_Bool
> reorder_mode)
> Set genlist reorder mode. This enables the item is moved to another item.
> ==================================================================
> After set this reorder api, if user press an item (long press), the item can
> be moved another position.
> Then if the user releases the item, the item will be reodered in genlist.
> When the user releases the holding item,  Elm_Genlist_Item_Class.func.moved
> callback is also called. 
> If needed, the application can add some logic in that callback function.
> Please review this patch.
> Thanks.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
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