On 06/07/11 17:35, michael bouchaud wrote:
> Hi, some of you seems really happy with the new elm_object_text_set
> function, but it's not my case. I'm feeling very frustrated with it. The
> implementation of this function is generic only because each widget knows
> where is the edje_object and the name of the part to set. Today each widget
> who use this hook do like this ->
> if (part == NULL) edje_object_part_text_set(mysmartdata->edje,
> "my_label_part", label);
> else don't do anything ....

Not true, actionslider and bubble for example do more than that, they 
allow you to set specific locations. Generally, all the widgets that 
allow setting specific locations support specific locations.
> So, Why we can send a part name for argument, if we don't care.

We do care, and we use it. It's not an edje part, it's a part of the widget.
> Surely we can make some widgets could set some extra label... And if they
> does, each widget need to manage this with own code. Where is factorisation
> of code ? And this become a huge work to done.

Well, in elm_layout for example (which represents an edj file) it's 
"automatic" i.e you just use the name of the edje part, beacuse that's 
relevant name there, but otherwise, you can't really know. I can have a 
couple of edje files per widget, or even more than that, a couple of 
widgets combined to one widget (many examples for that).
> My problems is in fact, why hidden the power of edje in an elementary widget
> ? I want to use it :'(. Emit signal set some label and swallow some parts...
> And don't recode a widgets because, I can't do this.

Again, no sane wane to do it, if you want, you can in your widget just 
pass it to edje as is.
> In exemple, I take an actionslider. We can set a label for each state (left,
> right, middle). But we can't have a label for the slider button.
Yes we can (tm), use elm_object_text_set or use elm_object_text_part_set 
with NULL or "default" as the part.

> So, I need
> to recode actionslider ? Still with actionslider, I want an icon in the
> button but not always same. I have to make as many themes as I have icons ?
> I have many exemple in mind, but I hope you can imagine some of them ...
> (one of them is about a progressbar :p).

Yes, there are many issues with elementary, and I (and others) think 
that elm_object_text_set solves some of them.
>   Of course all widgets don't have an edje, but many of them have. So my idea
> was to up one level the edje_object in widgets.
> So each widget, who have an edje could provided it to elm_widget with a hook
> or whatever. So, we can set uniformised functions to set label and more in
> elm_widget. This is only a sugestion ...

You can easily do it, but you need to define the hook per widget anyhow 
because it has to know where you keep the edj itself, and finally thanks 
to this function, it's possible.
> What do you think about it ?

I don't understand what you are complaining about, it seems that this 
solves all you need and more. :)


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