I would like to clarify that I am very happy with the access
elm_object_part_text_set. I do not question the API the problem is internal.
I thinking about if things would be easier and more efficient, if we could
provide a 'main edje' in elm_widget. And sure keep hooks

2011/7/6 michael bouchaud <michael.bouch...@gmail.com>

> 2011/7/6 Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@partner.samsung.com>
>> On 06/07/11 17:35, michael bouchaud wrote:
>> > Hi, some of you seems really happy with the new elm_object_text_set
>> > function, but it's not my case. I'm feeling very frustrated with it. The
>> > implementation of this function is generic only because each widget
>> knows
>> > where is the edje_object and the name of the part to set. Today each
>> widget
>> > who use this hook do like this ->
>> >
>> > if (part == NULL) edje_object_part_text_set(mysmartdata->edje,
>> > "my_label_part", label);
>> > else don't do anything ....
>> Not true, actionslider and bubble for example do more than that, they
>> allow you to set specific locations. Generally, all the widgets that
>> allow setting specific locations support specific locations.
>> >
>> > So, Why we can send a part name for argument, if we don't care.
>> We do care, and we use it. It's not an edje part, it's a part of the
>> widget.
>> >
>> > Surely we can make some widgets could set some extra label... And if
>> they
>> > does, each widget need to manage this with own code. Where is
>> factorisation
>> > of code ? And this become a huge work to done.
>> Well, in elm_layout for example (which represents an edj file) it's
>> "automatic" i.e you just use the name of the edje part, beacuse that's
>> relevant name there, but otherwise, you can't really know. I can have a
>> couple of edje files per widget, or even more than that, a couple of
>> widgets combined to one widget (many examples for that).
>> >
>> > My problems is in fact, why hidden the power of edje in an elementary
>> widget
>> > ? I want to use it :'(. Emit signal set some label and swallow some
>> parts...
>> > And don't recode a widgets because, I can't do this.
>> Again, no sane wane to do it, if you want, you can in your widget just
>> pass it to edje as is.
>> >
>> > In exemple, I take an actionslider. We can set a label for each state
>> (left,
>> > right, middle). But we can't have a label for the slider button.
>> Yes we can (tm), use elm_object_text_set or use elm_object_text_part_set
>> with NULL or "default" as the part.
> Oops sorry I take a wrong exemple here. So I will fix it, now I want a
> second label in the button slider. Different color, different size and
> different font :D. The first label be the main label and the second could
> indicate the state of the action slider. The main label was on the top of
> button and the indicator state label at the bottom of button. How you can do
> this ?
>> > So, I need
>> > to recode actionslider ? Still with actionslider, I want an icon in the
>> > button but not always same. I have to make as many themes as I have
>> icons ?
>> > I have many exemple in mind, but I hope you can imagine some of them ...
>> > (one of them is about a progressbar :p).
>> Yes, there are many issues with elementary, and I (and others) think
>> that elm_object_text_set solves some of them.
>> >
>> >   Of course all widgets don't have an edje, but many of them have. So my
>> idea
>> > was to up one level the edje_object in widgets.
>> > So each widget, who have an edje could provided it to elm_widget with a
>> hook
>> > or whatever. So, we can set uniformised functions to set label and more
>> in
>> > elm_widget. This is only a sugestion ...
>> You can easily do it, but you need to define the hook per widget anyhow
>> because it has to know where you keep the edj itself, and finally thanks
>> to this function, it's possible.
>> > What do you think about it ?
>> I don't understand what you are complaining about, it seems that this
>> solves all you need and more. :)
>> --
>> Tom.
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> --
> Michaël Bouchaud

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Why? It contains a definitive record of application performance, security 
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