On 12/07/11 18:11, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
> It would be useful to have some references in SVN and also a tool to
> diff these files, producing a hint on what's different other than pure
> "cmp a b: files differ at byte X". This is done by WebKit, for
> instance
Well, it uses image magick to mark the different areas and also provides 
"old" and "new" images. I think it's more than enough to find out 
exactly what's wrong.
> Another useful idea from WebKit is the virtual dump of the render
> tree. This walks the canvas, layers and objects (recursively) to
> produce a textual output, that is then able to be diff'ed. This is
> simpler to check and diff, also faster to run. Something like:
> Evas #123 100x100:
>     Layer #456:
>        Rectangle #1 @0,0 100x100 #ffffffff clipper=NONE
> pass_events=TRUE repeat_events=FALSE visible=TRUE
>        Image #2 @10,10 50x50 #ffffffff clipper=#1 pass_events=TRUE
> repeat_events=FALSE visible=TRUE visible=TRUE border=2,2,2,2
> scale_hint=STATIC file=bla key=NONE
>        Smart #3 @0,0 100x100 #ffffffff clipper=NONE ...
>           Rectangle #4 ...
>           Text #5...
> The idea is to create virtual pointers (#1, #2...) so we can reference
> them and diff the results in different runs.

That's a good idea, but a lot more annoying to implement than a simple 
script, and I'm not sure there's enough benefit to even bother.

The test suite is aimed for developers that want to make sure they don't 
break something when they change it, and also for a testing server, and 
is intended to run along with all the other unit/regression/etc. tests. 
For the developers, saying there's a difference and marking it on a 
picture is usually more than enough, and for the testing server, this 
will just help us find issues and spot the problematic commits.

But we will consider adding those features to the other testing tool, 
which will not be just a script launching binaries and will give us a 
lot more control.


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