On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 17:15:53 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
<ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Jul 2011 09:27:24 +0200 Andreas Volz <li...@brachttal.net>
> said:
> for almost all soc's these days a linux port is a done deal. even
> older ones. the problem is things like gpu - if you want or need one.
> how good will that be? thats still to this day the poorest supported
> bit of an soc. often on older ones all u get, IF u can get source for
> their gles drivers is a poorly ported driver with lots of things not
> finished and left up to you, and even with lots of lurking
> bugs/gotchas. if you dont want x11 then u'd have to do a little work
> on making a gl_fb engine (gl_x11 but minus the x11 windowing bits and
> just raw gles/egl on fb).

Don't think he mentioned gl at all.

> > For a project I'm searching some low cost hardware that is EFL
> > compatible.
> > 
> > Spec:
> > 
> > - flat board possible to mount on back of (included) display (~5-8")
> > - supports Linux (or any other opensource OS)
> > - supports EFL or possible to port without big efford
> > - X or framebuffer output for one single fullscreen process

Simple enough to get EFL + frame buffer working so long as you can get
fb working in the kernel.  I'm doing exactly this, one single full
screen elementary app on top of frame buffer.  I'm hoping to get it
running on a x486 board from ICOP soon.

The stuff I'm doing is not touch screen though, so don't know about
that part.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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