On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 15:14:44 -0500 Jeff Hoogland
<jeffhoogl...@linux.com> wrote:

> I am the only one that has to cringe every time he hears the words
> "pulse audio"?

I actually like it.  :-P

Definitely looks like you better get used to it though.  Don't think
it's going away any time soon.  Raster does not seem keen on doing a
new audio system again.

Now, if some of those developers that hated it actually worked to
improve it, we might have less people that hate it.

In the end, it's a good idea in principle, it sucked in the early
stages when distros where falling in love with it, but it sucks a lot
less now.  It tends to be that those that hated in in the early days
wipe it off their systems now without a thought, and might not be
getting a chance to see how much it has improved.  Just saying.

Now if simultaneous output did not make the webkit in SL viewers crash,
it would be perfect.  B-)

Or, sigh, I could actually capture the sound output from the game I'm
developing in screen movie makers.  Screen movie makers tend to be
generally bad though, seems only one of them actually works here.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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