On Fri, 21 October 2011 Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> wrote:
> On 21/10/11 21:27, Sebastian Dransfeld wrote:
> > Why does gnome-terminal exit with code 255 when executed from the menu 
> > in E, but not when executed from a terminal?
> I'm also having issues with exit codes, premature exits, and etc.
> For example, when running libreoffice from e (using a custom command in
> open with, because choosing libreoffice from the list doesn't work) I
> get "program (null) ended with exit code ..." although libreoffice is
> still running. Also, I get it every couple of minutes, so it's even not
> the app launched by e, very weird.
> Also, sometimes when I close one window of firefox, the application closes.
> I'm not using gnome-terminal anymore, but when I did, closing one window
> sometimes caused gnome-terminal to close completely. (all gnome-terminal
> instances are really just one application).
> WTH? :P

Is it a matter of those apps forking (LibreOffice) and possibly the
environment they are seeing?

stracing enlightenment (and looking at the clone which execs the app +
further children) might shed some more precise light on it.

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