Firstly thanks for taking the time to put together a well thought out 
response i appreciate it.

On 07/26/2012 02:00 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jul 2012 21:11:23 +0930 Simon Lees <> said:
>> I’ve been using E17 for almost a year since i tried gnome 3 and realised it
>> couldn’t be configured the way i find most productive and since KDE dropped
>> compiz fusion it also now can’t be setup the same way and because i like my
>> window manager to look good its not the 90’s anymore, Enlightenment became
>> the best choice.
> you're going to hate us. for e18 will move compositing into core. u take e';s
> compositor or you don't take e. that's where things are going...
> :)
I won't and wouldn't for 2 reasons, firstly i was mostly trying to make 
the point that i was disappointed when gnome and kde removed compiz 
fusion support and didn't replace it with something as customizable or 
that didn't have all the features i use. So i went searching and found 
e17 which did. I have never tried running e17 with compiz because e17 on 
its own has all the features i need (I don't need wobbly windows). 
Secondly if i was using compiz i wouldn't care as you are not taking 
away functionalitiy and forcing me to use dynamically expanding 
workspaces and as a software engineer i understand how this would be 
easier to maintain.

>> With the upcoming release i have some thoughts and ideas about improving
>> the users experience most of these are as much to stimulate discussion as
>> much as anything else if none of them are implemented i won’t care too
>> much, after all i don’t have the time to implement them.
>> While enlightenment is a great window manager in my opinion the best, it
>> has one or 2 weaknesses mostly due to its nature over the last 12 years,
>> not having a stable release with most people needing to build from source.
>> Moving from supporting a bunch of developers and experienced linux users to
>> the point where anyone picking up Linux for the first time can use E17 is a
>> essential move if E17 is to become one of the major window managers. This
>> essentially means that we should expect that users don’t know how to build
>> from source and we will be relying on distributions to provide everything
>> needed for a good E17 experience.
> yes yes - we know. every distro wants to do its own packaging and has its own
> rules and methods. we can't do it all. this is what distribut6ion packagers 
> do.
> jeffdammeth keeps some nightly build ppa's for ubuntu going so the biggest
> distro is covered. bodhi package e integrated with the os. gentoo has
> ebuilds... its not badly covered - well other than distros OFFICIALLY
> packaging e and we can't make them do it.
I am not suggesting e17 do any of it unless theres simple things that 
are requested by distro's. I made this point more to illustrate a 
changing userbase as hopefully more distro's do include e17 or at least 
have community repositories the userbase will move more and more to 
people who have only used package management systems and don't know what 
svn is. I use the opensuse community repo's on a couple of machines that 
i never intend to develop on because its far easier then maintaining a 
script to update from svn.

>> Being someone who is not a packager and has no experience doing anything
>> like it i think moving to a single build tree and efl lib is a great start.
>> There are 2 other areas that i can see as issues the first being
>> applications when i am building with easy e17 i struggle to work out what’s
>> a application what’s stable and what’s worth building maybe there needs to
> easy-e17 includes a lot of stuff that is half-done and not stable. so that's
> why.
Yeah i thought i saw a list of applications and a description of what 
they did somewhere on the site the other week but i can't see it 
anywhere atm so either im average at looking or its well hidden, this is 
the sort of thing i was meaning when i was talking about helping 
distributors a simple list of applications with a brief description of 
what they do so this info can be copied and pasted into packages.
>> be a stable and development directory for applications in svn instead of
>> having them all in the root directory. Similarly with E-MODULES-EXTRA the
>> poll a couple of weeks back showed that a lot of us use at least a few
>> modules each but if the common ones like taskbar, cpu, net, comp scale
>> don’t get moved into E17 and are left as extras they will risk being left
>> out by some distro’s that only want stable packages or can’t be bothered
> the modules form extras that are worth it have been moved to core. others are
> either waiting on something or will never move. comp-scale for example is
> waiting for compositing to go into core. my advice is don't use anything from
> e-modules-extras. if you choose to ignore that advice then you accept the
> consequences of bugs and problems. one of these days i'll come up with some
> kind of signature thing for modules so core modules are "approved/signed" and
> unapproved modules will "taint" your e and we'll be asking for e's taint logs
> if u come asking about bugs/problems. :)
>> figuring out what is worth packaging. Again i’d suggest a directory for
>> stable modules and one for development modules so that distributions can
>> easily find and produce 1 package of extra modules. Maybe it could even
> e-modules-extra *IS* development modules. :)
That's good for clarification i never quite worked that out as there is 
also a proto directory i'm guessing e-modules-extra is the equivalent 
for modules then? Is there a procedure for moving modules from 
e-modules-extra into e itself for example 2 of the modules i use are 
taskbar and forecast, the todo for taskbar says that it is doesn't have 
anything left to do and forecast has no todo at all. It would be helpful 
if each of the modules had in there todo what is required for them to be 
added into e17 so that someone like me with a spare night a week or few 
hours on the weekend can get them to the point where there ready to be 
included in the main e17. I guess though on the other hand i could have 
just asked in the mailing list earlier.
Will e-modules-extra be tagged along with e17 to make it easier to build 
and use these modules with a released version without having to remember 
the svn revision for the last release?
>> have a single build script as well as individual ones even a script that
>> can be run that will call the individual configures makes and installs.
>> >From a users point of view i don’t want to install 1 package for each
>> module i use its just a waste of time when you can unload them and they
>> don’t use resources anyway. I do currently use daily packages on most of my
>> machines and i imagine i would swap them to stable build at least until
>> there’s a feature added that i want. On these machines i would also prefer
>> to run E17 just from a package manager because i know the packages will be
>> there and let’s face it its easier.
>> There's 1 or 2 things that i’d also like to suggest in terms of features. I
>> like the way that when you first load E17 and have no profile you go
>> through a series of steps to setup your profile. I am aware that there
>> shouldn’t be too many things in this configuration because we don’t want to
>> overwhelm the users but i have suggestions for one or two more additions
>> mostly because i’m a little selfish and it would get E17 configured the way
>> i like it almost straight away but i’m guessing it will also help anyone
>> coming from Gnome 2/Compiz fusion and Windows.
>> * The first isn’t so much a request for a extra feature in this list but
>> somewhere in the settings panel to reset your profile and go through the
>> config from scratch.  I know from experience it took me 2 or 3 times to go
>> through before i figured everything out. It would be nice to be able to
>> load and save (import/export) profiles as well. As well as parts of
>> profiles like keybindings (I normally keep them the same across machines at
>> least and they are fiddlyier and more time consuming to set up but that
>> part's not a biggy.
> rm -rf ~/.e/e/config and log in again. :) but ok - we can make a button for
> it... :)
I know that one it's just i would like to think that oneday Linux will 
become easy enough to use that users will never need to touch hidden 
directories in there home drive :)
>> * The next is a request that in the initial config add a dialog to select
>> the number of workspaces / virtual desktops and if there is more then 1 row
>> selected replace the current Ctrl + Alt + Up / Down with move workspace up
>> and down. It would be also nice if Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Arrow key was bound
>> to move window in the arrow direction as this is what compiz fusion had.
>> The binding for Ctrl + Shift + Alt + Left/Right could be added anyway as
>> there is no bindings on them currently.
> ummm i'm on the bandwagon of "we give u 4 desktop by default.. why do we need 
> to
> ask you for this?". is there a good reason to ADD another question. the pages
> in wizard are there because they had good reasons, but this one i'm failing to
> see the "good reason" other than a personal preference for you. :) right click
> pager and select "virtual desktop settings" and a quick slide+hit ok will
> adjust the desktop count easily. most non-techie users will be happy with 4
> desktops. techies are happy to explore to find the settings if they need
> more (or less). :) as for bindings - thats tricky to change by default. 
> ctrl+alt
> +left right are next/prev desktop ALSO row-by-row. so when it gets to the end
> of a row if its 4x4 desktops, it goes to the next row down. if u want literal
> geometrical desktop shifting alt+shift+arrow keys are bound to go "in that
> direction" literally desktop-wise. :) ctl+alt+up/down have been bound in e 
> ever
> since like.. dr 0.4 or whenever i added key control to raise/lower a window...
> so thats since like 1997... :)
I must say having spent a bit of time in the keybindings i have never 
noticed the Alt+Shift+Arrow bindings, ill start using them instead i was 
just used to Ctr+Alt from my gnome days. It would be nice if 
Ctrl+Shit+Alt up and down could be bound to move window up and down like 
left and right last time i checked they weren’t by default. With this i 
wouldn't think the start up screen is necessary. I forgot that the pager 
was on the shelf by default i normally remove it it's not that useful in 
a 3x3 workspace config on a shelf.
>> *Another is shelf config maybe its default position (Top/Bottom), but more
>> critically whether the contents contain the current defaults, or my
>> proposed alternative would be to have a full width shelf with start on the
>> left (Yes i know you can get the main menu from clicking the desktop and i
>> never use it because i use the everything launcher, but anyone else who
>> ever uses my computer uses it because its recognisable enough as its used
>> by several major window managers, after that id have the taskbar then
>> systray battery etc. This would depend on these modules being easily
>> available as mentioned above.
> the default is a shelf not filling screen with start menu on left too. as such
> not filling the widget is a good thing and kind of gives e a uniqueness that i
> like and want to keep. you CAN configure it to be different, but again - i see
> no good value to make this a wizard question explicitly. if u want people on
> your box to have this as an option by default... add a new profile! profiles
> can be extended until the cows come home. make a "i'm a windows xp refugee"
> profile and make it blue+red+green+yellow with a sky+hill bg and all the setup
> as u want... :) i sure as hell dont think it's going to be shipped form
> upstream as an option though.. but you can add it - as can distros. :)
Thats aright i can live with that. Interestingly enough its not just win 
xp windows is dropping it after all for win 8, kde, razor-qt, and 
cinnamon all use that format so i thought if there was going to be a 
second profile option that configuration may be worth it as it has 
become a default for many systems. I thought there was a patent on using 
rolling hills and a blue sky as a desktop background so we better not 
use that :)
>> * Animations are another thing i’d suggest adding here partly because in a
>> few reviews i have read people have complained about them being excessive,
>> I saw some changes to the default the other day but i haven’t reloaded my
>> profile to see what change this will make, personally i struggle to use
>> anything more then still. The second reason is currently there hidden
>> pretty well in Composite->Effects if i was a new user i’d struggle to find
>> them here.
> time that u go thru the wizard again as a new user. :)
Yep its much better.
>> I was going to say something about themes here but i just covered it in the
>> email on that topic
> default theme for elementary and e17 are pretty nasty in a lot of areas. they
> have become a mess over time and need a major revamp.
I've noticed alot of comments along this line on the mailing list over 
the last week.
>> The last and possibly most controversial proposal i have is bringing back
>> the forum I know there was one in the past and it was removed because it
>> wasn’t used and now the mailing lists and IRC are used. From the point of
>> view of someone who is 25 and didn’t really start using Linux until i got
>> to University it was only a few years back i started using IRC (I probably
>> should start using it more again) and only in the last 1 or 2 years i
>> started paying attention to mailing lists. So my feelings are that nowadays
>> a lot of the Linux community does not know to use both our main forms of
>> contact. We are already giving these new users that may be trying E17 a
>> small learning curve in terms of trying a new window manager but if they
>> struggle with this to get help currently they are faced with the much
>> greater learning curve of trying to get help on IRC or a mailing list. Also
>> when a solution is provided on IRC if someone joins 2 hrs later with the
>> same question it has to be answered again, and yes mailing lists don’t have
>> this problem but if the community grows which i hope it does and there
>> become more users with more questions forums scale much better and are much
>> easier to navigate then mailing lists. The forum could also be set up to
>> provide a rss feed or mail digest so that people who have been working or
>> following the project for a long time don’t need to change their behavior
>> other than subscribing to another list or rss feed.
> history will repeat itself. forums will become a spamfest. existing devs will
> never participate. it will just become a forum for users to bitch at
> eachother and complain about spam. unless forums integrate with mailing
> lists at a minimum it's pointless. when i mean integrate it has to go BOTH
> ways. mail TO the form mail address and it becomes post. all posts to the
> form (not from an email) get emailed to a mailing list. :) in fact what u want
> is just a webgui that is a front-end to the mailing lists we have that
> basically provide "limited" "email addresses" for users on the web forum (can
> only mail to/from mailing list). i dont know if something like that exists, 
> but
> frankly our website doesnt have enough admins and work on it as-is to worry
> about such a forum thing. :)
There's probably not enough users for it yet but my idea is more along 
the lines of a user forum for users to ask questions about using e17, 
how do i find the effects settings, is it possible to do this etc.. 
Issues for developers shoud go into the bug tracker if there bugs and 
IRC or the mailing lists for development questions developers are 
normally happy enough using these forms of communication but again until 
there's more users i guess there's not a whole lot of point.
>> Again these are just my thoughts and ideas about ways the community and E17
>> can improve for new members if you disagree i won’t take it personally this
>> is mostly just a list of things that i thought may be worth discussing
>> before a release and so i’m just trying to provoke some discussion on
>> topics that i think are worth it. If they’ve been discussed on IRC recently
>> i’m sorry the firewall at work doesn’t allow IRC and kicks freenode webchat
>> every couple of hours so it
> just to let you know that i pay attention... i read this mail. i've digested
> what you said a bit and for now have my input in reply as here, but all topics
> are open for discussion at all times. :)
You and alot of the team do quite well at this far better then alot of 
projects and i think this makes the project more useful to the general 
public as you end up with a product that is useful to its userbase 
rather then one that is useful for a few developers or that is what 
developers think users want but misses the mark by a long shot.
>> In terms of the ideas i have that relate to code if no one seriously
>> objects to them one day i may get around to implementing them unfortunately
>> due to my current personal situation that's not likely before the end of
>> the year.
>> Cheers to you all again for your fine work i appreciate it every day
>> because you make my job easier by providing me with a sensible environment
>> to work in and if you read the whole lot well done it ended up being longer
>> than i intended.
>> Simon
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Again cheers for takingthe time to read this and put together a well 
thought out response.

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