On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 5:08 PM, Vincent Torri <vincent.to...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 9:30 PM, Lucas De Marchi
> <lucas.demar...@profusion.mobi> wrote:
>> Hi Vincent,
>> On Mon, Sep 17, 2012 at 2:22 PM, Vincent Torri <vincent.to...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey
>>> some news: i've merged evil, eina and eet in trunk/efl/
>> Glad to see this finally happening.  Thanks for taking care of it.
>>> Some problems / remarks
>>> 1) doc must be fixed. I can be a good opportunity to improve even more the 
>>> doc.
>>> 2) I've appended to NEWS, ChangeLog and README the name of the EFL. Is it 
>>> good ?
>>> 3) I'm not sure what to do for the license. Should I provide 2
>>> different file (eina is LGPL, not the others)
>> Probably yes. Another option is to send emails to everybody in AUTHORS
>> file to change the license or double license. Btw, what are the
>> licenses of each library?
> BSD 2-clause, afaik :
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses#2-clause_license_.28.22Simplified_BSD_License.22_or_.22FreeBSD_License.22.29
>>> 4) about benchmark :
>>>   a) benchmarking the e17 stuff is not done. I'm not sure at all how
>>> to do it with make rules
>>>   b) i'm also not sure that the 'city' bench is correctly done (zmike ?)
>>> If you have some time, play with it, reports bugs, provide patches :-)
>>> thanks
>>> Vincent
>> Looking at how you are doing it, some questions:
>> 1) Will we maintain the history? It would be a shame if we loose it at
>> this point
> well, I did a svn cp and I thought that history was kept. It seems
> that it's not the case :( I've just checked. That's just a shame that
> svn does not provide that feature automatically.
> Maybe that will help:
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/976829/svn-copy-between-repositories-with-history
>> 2) Is this only for testing the autofoo stuff and we should continue
>> to commit to its  previous location until all libraries are moved to
>> the new place?
> the purpose is to continue to commit to trunk/eina, trunk/eet etc...
> and I'll backport the changes of the merged libs (or the author of the
> commit can do it too :) ) But it is important to keep them in sync.
> But first, we need to keep history.

One way to accomplish this... once we are done with creating the
autofoo stuff, we remove the files we copied to the new dirs, and then
"svn move" them from the previous locations. This way we can be sure
we are in sync with the latest version and that history was kept.
There's no need to backport changes or sync the files in between.

Lucas De Marchi

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