On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 10:00:54 +0100 Stefan Schmidt
<s.schm...@samsung.com> wrote:

> Hello.
> On 10/10/12 09:50, David Seikel wrote:
> > On Wed, 10 Oct 2012 09:37:00 +0100 Stefan Schmidt
> > <s.schm...@samsung.com> wrote:
> >> Image loaders are way more complicated sadly as we drag in
> >> dependencies here. I would vote for making jpeg, png, gif, bmp, eet
> >> on by default.
> >>
> >> For the others we might need to see what libs distros ship in a
> >> default installation so we can decide if we have a hard dep on
> >> these libs or not.
> >
> > Better would be to remove the options, but detect them at build
> > time to see if they should be included.  Things should never be hard
> > dependencies, unless they actually are.
> I see that you don't want to have this for your embedded project. :)
> But I disagree here. Autodetection is even worse in the case for the 
> image loaders as your application will fail during runtime to load a 
> theme or display thumbnails, etc. In your strictly controlled env
> this is not a problem as you can only blame yourself but in my
> opinion this is a no-no for almost all other users. Thus I would vote
> against autodetection and choose the hard deps carefully to fit the
> majority of our users.

I suspect packagers would rather have it my way as well.  Less work for
them to do if it just detects what needs to be built.  They also have
strictly controlled environments.  Then they only have to worry about
making sure the dependencies are there, and not have to worry about
figuring out more options as well.  Which is their job.

As for the rest, most people expect to just do "./configure && make &&
sudo make install" or something equivalent, then have it autodetect
what it can work with.  That's kinda a major point of autofoo.

Also, I understand our main goal is to reduce options, not increase
hard dependencies.  Autodetection at build time is the way to do that.

OK, so the other major point of having autofoo is so that we can
pretend it will all work just fine on hundreds of obscure systems that
no one has ever heard of.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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