On Sat, 13 Oct 2012 14:37:11 +0900
Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:

> > So again: Either force-disable/force-enable a feature or allow
> > configure switches for it, automagic just causes more confusion and
> > more work for packagers and users.  
> more for packagers. less for users. users have their stuff mostly
> "just work" in terms of build. they may or may not have certain
> features and these are checked for later at runtime anyway, but we
> are making more core features not even able to be disabled in the efl
> tree anyway - so these wont need runtime checks as much but the rest
> is still automagic unless u enable the strict stuff as above - if you
> are a packager then go do that. :)

Automatic deps are what you are talking about and all that David
Seikel is after. Automagic deps is what Thomas Sachau is talking about.
The difference is the former has a configure option the latter has not
or the option is broken. This distinction of automatic vs automagic
might be Gentoo specific, not sure others use it the same way or bother
to make this distinction in the first place.

Automatic deps, ie enable if dep is installed and the configure option
is not given, is all fine and dandy and the packager is to blame if he
misses the configure option.

Automagic deps are harder to spot and need to be treated as hard
dependencies in source based distros unless the packager patchs the
build to add the missing configure option. Binary distros can indeed
get away without it being a hard dep. Either way, automagic deps means
99% of the work for upstream, ie, properly ifdef the code and detect
the dep and zero gain for a source based distros as Gentoo.

About lld and friends, well, they make for great qa tools and and are
extensively used in Gentoo as well, but are no substitute to declaring
proper deps in the package spec (ebuild). It makes sense to autorecord
missing ones for rpms, guess it helps greatly to reduce broken 3rd
party rpms.

On the topic of removing configure options, there are indeed silly ones
and I welcome your plans to simply things.

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