On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 21:17:22 +0200
Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> wrote:

> On 13/11/12 17:32, Michael Blumenkrantz wrote:
> > It's time for (drum roll) the second alpha release of E17!
> > 
> > There's a lot of fixes that went into this delayed release,
> > but I'm leaving work now so I won't mention them by name.
> > Nor will I mention glima, who single-handedly managed to break configs for
> > everyone while blaming me for it.
> > 
> > 
> > Enjoy this release, which I have helpfully nicknamed "Baldy" as a way of
> > mocking one of my coworkers.
> Reminder: for me and many others e is currently in a worse shape than it
> was a few months ago. Menus in GTK+ and etc. We really need to fix those
> before we continue with the track to release.
> For reference please see "E17 - my list of biggest issues before we
> release".
> Cheers,
> Tom.

I appreciate your feedback.

However, constantly nagging (and I mean this in the most literal sense, since a 
day has not gone by without someone hassling me over it) about known issues, 
such as the tooltip/menu comp bug, is not a great way to motivate or encourage 
any developer in the world.

Given that you yourself are a developer, I would appreciate it even more if you 
would try to do something more constructive with your time than writing mails 
like this, which effectively amounts to nothing more than harassing the only 
person who works regularly on E17; trying to fix some of these known bugs (many 
of which are simple one-line changes) on your own would be a great help, and it 
would take roughly the same amount of time as complaining on the mailing list. 
Imagine the changes we would see if every active developer picked one bug to 
try fixing for the release.


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