On Tue, 13 Nov 2012 22:37:52 +0200 Tom Hacohen <t...@stosb.com> said:

> On 13/11/12 21:30, Michael Blumenkrantz wrote:
> > I appreciate your feedback.
> > 
> > However, constantly nagging (and I mean this in the most literal sense,
> > since a day has not gone by without someone hassling me over it) about
> > known issues, such as the tooltip/menu comp bug, is not a great way to
> > motivate or encourage any developer in the world.
> I'm not trying to encourage you to fix them. I'm just trying to make
> sure we do not progress any further with those bugs still there as they
> are obvious release blockers. I don't see the point of advancing into
> the beta stage with such release blockers still there. I only "nag"
> about it after each step we take forward without fixing it. I.e Alpha1
> and Alpha2.

people insist on release dates and timed releases. i've made this point so many
times over the years (that a release needs to mean something -ie features
added, things fixed), but hey - 99% of the world doesnt care. they just care
about a release and a number or name next to it. so frankly... i've given up.
if you want these bugs fixe3d by the release date... looking into them and
fixing them since you can reproduce them is how it will happen. complaining to
people who reply with "works for me" is simply going to have an endless cycle
and a release with those bugs for you.. because the developers have zero way to
fix it.

> > 
> > Given that you yourself are a developer, I would appreciate it even more if
> > you would try to do something more constructive with your time than writing
> > mails like this, which effectively amounts to nothing more than harassing
> > the only person who works regularly on E17; trying to fix some of these
> > known bugs (many of which are simple one-line changes) on your own would be
> > a great help, and it would take roughly the same amount of time as
> > complaining on the mailing list. Imagine the changes we would see if every
> > active developer picked one bug to try fixing for the release.
> You know my current state, that I'm currently completely away and
> swamped with things I'm supposed to do before I move to another country
> next week, so don't act so naive and suggest me to do things you know I
> just can't do. I'm doing what I can to help, and in my point of view,
> reminding people about big issues that should be blocking releases when
> releases are made anyway are very big help.
> Also, although my limited availability and general lack of free time
> I've been fixing bugs in e recently (haven't been hacking on my
> favourite parts of the EFL, but focused on e instead), so I really don't
> get what you are trying to say.

thats cool - but just so you know - this plan was already set. we'd try and do
2 releases (alpha/beta) per week until final release. it's to get out updates
quickly during this time.

> Bottom line is: I'm just trying to make sure we don't release any beta
> versions before these issues are fixed.

ensuring that will only happen if those that can reproduce it look into it. :)
i just spent 2 days and destroyed my machine (and rescued it) hunting a comp bug
that intel+mesa9.x introduced. it needed up a simple "reason" and fixing it
wasnt too hard, but it meant refactoring some code. kde/kwin also had the same
bug fyi. i fix bugs i can SEE and reproduce when and if i have the time. in the
case of your comp stuff - i can't reproduce on any of my machines - well i've
seen it maybe once a day and frankly - i can't then reproduce it often enough
to spend time figuring out what went wrong. i'm happy to help anyone out who
wants to look and explain what is happening inside comp when it deals with new
windows etc. so they can add in "printfs" and debug and find out what logic
path is going wrong... but that requires someone who reproduces it regularly to
step up and do that :)

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