With a beefy changelog accompanying it, I'm pleased to post another alpha.
It should be noted that this is the first alpha worthy of receiving the praise 

* Translation updates
* AMD K10 temperature sensor support on OpenBSD
* Video file previews will now stutter less and respect tooltip boundaries more
* Battery module now crashes less on OpenBSD
* Icon resizing is now smoother
* Gadget menus can no longer cause crashes when the gadget is deleted
* Fileselector once again allows selection from directory previews
* Filemanager DND can no longer interfere with gadget DND to cause crashes
* Improved support for XDG_DESKTOP_DIR
* Filemanager no longer restores non-default desktop paths when desktop 
navigation mode is disabled
* Improvements/fixes to lost window warping behavior
* New ibar sources now copy from default source
* Right clicking on any part of a desktop gadget is now sufficient to disable 
* Filemanager maximum thumbnail size config slider now more granular
* Module config dialog now updates when module states are externally toggled
* Connman wizard page now shows regardless of connman support, also disables 
connman module if support disabled
* First-run wizard now correctly updates after language changes
* First-run wizard button now reads "Please Wait" when it is disabled
* First-run wizard now has a page to (not) add a taskbar to the default shelf
* First-run wizard now unsets winlist pointer warping when "click" focus model 
is chosen
* First-run wizard now performs a more accurate wait when building XDG cache
* Edge bindings dialog can no longer crash when closed before its grab dialog
* Edge bindings dialog no longer allows blank bindings to be added
* Keybindings dialog no longer adds non-default ctrl+shift bindings when 
restoring default bindings
* Gadget popups will no longer sometimes obscure the source gadget if triggered 
on an offscreen gadget
* "Show Calendar" action renamed to "Toggle Calendar"
* Fileman Operations module now uses same infos as filemanager
* Password mode toggling in entry now works more effectively
* [THEME] Desktop gadget
* [THEME] RandR dialog
* [THEME] Notification module
* [THEME] Pixel borders fixed
* [THEME] Pixel borders allow drag resizing
* [THEME] Cpufreq gadget
* [THEME] Analog clock

E17 ALPHA6 - 79752

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