On 01/30/2013 02:33 PM, Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) wrote:
> i'd like to put this out there.
> now e17 is out - i'm looking at POLISHING the default theme. over time that 
> is.
> what i am asking for here is INPUT as to what you think could be polished.. 
> and
> HOW - don't just complain. provide alternatives. and don't just say "it's
> unreadable" as if we wanted purely readable it'd be only black and white with
> no shades at all and everything massive so you can fit 2 icons on a screen and
> 2 lines of text. :) there is a compromise between readable/usable, practical
> AND looking nice and being consistent. i want to polish off e17's theme before
> i launch full on into fixing up elm.
> so here is my current theme todo. if you have suggestions on these, please
> chime in. if you can draw up your ideas - even roughly, even better!
> e17 theme:
> * ilist headers a bit "meh"
> * text mouse pointer "meh"
> * button image needs more resolution for gradient
> * ilist/titlebar grdient image needs mroe vertical height for resolution
> * radio/check items need more sizes for selection dot/cross for scaling
> * init splash "meh"
> * frames a bit "meh"
> * bluez4 gadget ... "meh"
> * randr needs nicer clone gfx
> * lock screen needs panel holding entry box (and probably icon too?)
> * comp needs styles for slide in with clip
> * comp needs slide in without clip
> * comp needs a map based "flip in" style

   * I would say that the graphics/animation for the mouse icon for 
resizing windows when we are close to the window border should be like 
the one from tiling module, instead of just being a blue square.

   * I am not using svn E, but I noted that E is now only composited. 
So, the label for ibar, ibox, tasks (on hover, and especially when using 
in icon-only mode), etc should be now outside the shelf so that it is 
not limited by the shelf size.

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