On 03/05/13 11:00, Daniel Juyung Seo wrote:
> On Fri, May 3, 2013 at 5:41 PM, Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@samsung.com> wrote:
>> On 02/05/13 11:45, Daniel Juyung Seo wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 8:49 PM, Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@samsung.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 01/05/13 12:40, Cedric BAIL wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, May 1, 2013 at 7:48 PM, ryuan Choi <ryuan.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> While digging some elementary bug recently, I think that elementary
>>>>>> needs
>>>>>> unit testing framework like other EFL core modules in order to prevent
>>>>>> regressions or understand what commits fixed.
>>>>>> Can we have chance to introduce check for elementary?
>>>>>> Initial commit is here.
>>>>>> https://phab.enlightenment.org/D91
>>>>> I wish we had exactness integrated... but that would be a start. Will
>>>>> do some push before the end of the week.
>>>> As Cedric has mentioned.
>>>> Anyhow, replied to your patch.
>>> Yes exactness will do an awesome job.
>>> But I think we still need test cases as well to check the api safety,
>>> return value check, regression test, and etc.
>>> Does exactness cover test cases?
>> Exactness is a pixel perfect test suite. It just checks the pixels are the
>> same. In fact, elementary could be completely broken in many ways, but as
>> long as the frames we "shoot" are good, exactness won't fail.
>> It does however detect segfaults and etc.
>> The "problem" I have with "make check" in elementary's case, is that there's
>> really nothing to test. Only NULL checks and the like. And even there, you
>> have many paths you can't easily get to because of elm's reliance on
>> timers/idlers and generally the main loop.
>> You can do those, but it won't be nice, and won't be worth it. If you do
>> them with exactness on the other hand, it'll actually work nicely.
> You are right and I totally agree with you but I don't think exactness
> will cover 100% elementary use cases.
> Don't get me wrong. You know I love exactness :) I have been using
> exactness from day 1.
> Even though having useless test cases are wasting of time, we need
> test cases for some use cases.
> That's why I want to have both.
> But we should keep the test cases short and simple as much as possible.
> Thanks.

Oh, let me clarify, I do think "make check" is needed. I just think we 
need some inspiration in the form of tests. :) I.e I think the patch 
should add some tests as well.


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