On 16/05/13 16:31, Rafael Antognolli wrote:
> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 10:45 AM, Christopher Michael
> <cp.mich...@samsung.com> wrote:
>> On 16/05/13 14:43, Daniel Juyung Seo wrote:
>>> On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 7:00 PM, Tom Hacohen <tom.haco...@samsung.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 16/05/13 14:24, Christopher Michael wrote:
>>>>> On 16/05/13 14:19, Tom Hacohen wrote:
>>>>>> On 16/05/13 14:17, Christopher Michael wrote:
>>>>>>> On 16/05/13 14:14, Tom Hacohen wrote:
>>>>>>>> On 16/05/13 14:06, Christopher Michael wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On 16/05/13 14:06, Jérémy Zurcher wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> sorry, but what are those formatting changes ??
>>>>>>>>> Removing the parens that were there.
>>>>>>>>>> …
>>>>>>>>>> I see your commits,
>>>>>>>>>> clang yells loud about this, many people are moving from gcc to
>>>>>>>>>> clang,
>>>>>>>>>> your code will keep yelling so, not really an issue for me.
>>>>>>>>> Really could care less what clang says to be honest :) They are ?? who
>>>>>>>>> ?? Distros still ship with gcc as the default compiler
>>>>>>>>> afaik....Well, it
>>>>>>>>> does not yell here so not really an issue for me either ;)
>>>>>>>> To be fair, that (()) clutter is ugly
>>>>> Ugly ?? Have you ever looked inside Elementary code ?? Now THAT's ugly ;)
>>>>>     and should be removed even if
>>>>>>>> clang doesn't complain. Why do you care so much for it anyway?
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Tom.
>>>>>>> It helps me keep my sanity when dealing with unruley if blocks and truth
>>>>>>> tests. Well, one man's ugly is another man's beauty I suppose ;)
>>>>>> How does it help you? I'm genuinely interested.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Tom.
>>>>> Order of precedence and readability mainly.
>>>> Double parenthesis don't change the order of precedence. It's fine (and
>>>> required by our conventions) if you had an AND or OR there, but since
>>>> you don't have those, it just looks weird.
>>> +1.
>>> if ((ee->alpha == alpha)) return;
>>> ((xxxx === aaa)) looks weird to me.
>> Yea, that looks weird to me too '===' ?? ;)
>>> It works but I am eager to clean this up.
>>> Anyhow, Jeremy could split the formatting fix commit and adding
>>> missing NULL commit.
>>> I think that was a point of devilhorns' mail.
>> Well, that was one point, sure....but my main point was...
>> Don't change the formatting that was previously there please ;)
> Actually, wouldn't it be better if we try to follow EFL formatting
> inside the engine code?


> Of course I also do several mistakes regarding that formatting, but
> IMHO when this kind of discussion appears, we should just stick to the
> EFL formatting itself.
Sure, I totally agree here...but of course others will disagree saying 
"it's ugly" ... can't win either way ;)


> --
> Rafael Antognolli

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