On 09/11/13 09:44, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Sep 2013 19:36:49 -0300 "Eduardo Lima (Etrunko)" <ebl...@gmail.com>
> said:
> > We now have tarballs up for testing in under the new pre-releases directory:
> > 
> > http://download.enlightenment.org/pre-releases/efl-1.7.9/
> > http://download.enlightenment.org/pre-releases/enlightenment-0.17.5/
> > 
> > Please test them and report any issues you may find.
> please please please... people test. everyone who has had problems (randr ones
> with blank screens or the init plash hang thing) test!. let's not have a 
> repeat
> of the last problems! test with EXISTING config, test with clean new users.
> test with splash on ANd off (though off should be fine if on works)... test
> with randr config set up or not etc. :) give it at least 2 weeks - maybe 4, to
> allow peolpe to test and feedback! please spam these lists every few days with
> requests to test! please put up a new item on phab's phame section (official
> announcements blog). TEST TEST TEST!

Just don't go too fast. Updating, building and testing take some time.
I'll check everything for Slackware i486, x86_64 and arm this week-end,
so don't release before monday :-)

Jérôme Pinot

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