On 28/11/13 11:08, Jérémy Zurcher wrote:
> Hi,
> I wanted to do some tests before rising my voice,
> here they are http://cgit.asynk.ch/eo_tokenizer/
> this is POC, http://www.complang.org/ragel/ based tokenizer which does not
> all but most of the job. First time I play with ragel, had much fun!!
> about the .eo file syntax:
> YAML is easier than JSON to write and read, but imho both are more
> machine than human oriented.
> I think we should to stick to C syntax it should ease everybody's pain
> and hopefully avoid wrong formatting, editor annoyance...

The problem with c syntax, is that we'll never be "there". That is, 
we'll be stuck in the land of similar enough to call it C, but 
incomplete enough to be annoying and confusing.

Just like vim mode is on most editors.

We need very specific things that the C syntax doesn't support (that's 
why we need .eo files in the first place), so instead of hacking around 
something that wasn't designed for it. Why not make something new that 
is simple, easy to learn (i.e immediate transition from c) and designed 
for the task?


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