On Sun, 08 Dec 2013 11:20:31 +0200 Yakov Goldberg <yako...@samsung.com> said:

> So, as soon as "Ragel Strikes Back"
> here is " Elm_Image" in Jeremy's format.
> http://pastebin.com/xptFf6y0
> Properties and Methods are as Jeremy described.
> And in the end you can also find "implements" and "signals".
> Just one suggestion: lets move "implements" content into "properties" 
> and "methods":
> methods{
>     some_method {
>        ...
>    };
>    Evas_Smart :: show;
> };
> ...only some comments about properties.
> If we want to override , only setter or getter we need to specify "set" 
> or "get".
> If you have better ideas about syntax, please suggest.
> properties{
>     some_prop {
>        ...
>    };
>    Evas_Object :: color;
>    Evas_Object :: size :: set;
>    Evas_Object :: visibility :: get;
> };
> ======================================
> Some additional question.
> Here is some part of ElmFileselector.eo file.
> You can see "selected_set" and "selected_get" are described as methods.
> Why? Because I generate, this eo file, by parsing descriptions of eo
> classes.
> If there are two functions which have:
>    - the same name with "set/get" suffix;
>    - the same number of parameters;
>    - all parameters are "in" for "set"
>    - all parameters are "out" for "get"
> it will be described as property; (or "only_set"/"only_get" property)
> if one of these rules fails, functions will be generated as methods.
> Because of legacy, "selected_set" func returns, so here I generate it as
> method.
>     methods {
>        selected_set {
>           /*@ Set, programmatically, the currently selected file/directory in
> the given file selector widget */ return Eina_Bool;
>           params {
>              in const char* path; /*@  */
>           };
>        };
>        selected_get {
>           /*@ Get the currently selected item's (full) path, in the given
> file the given file selector widget */ return const char*;
>           params {
>           };
>        };
> }
>   But maybe, as soon as it is almost property (only one "ret" gets in the
> way here), we can describe it as property, which returns some value.
>       "selected": {
>       "set": {
>             "return" : "Eina_Bool",
>             "comment": "Set, programmatically, the currently selected
> file/directory in the given file selector widget"
>         },
>         "get": {
>           "comment": "Get the currently selected item's (full) path, in
> the given file the given file selector widget"
>         },
>         "parameters": [
>           {
>             "path": ["const char*", ""]
>           }
>         ]
>       },
> We will generate Eo and C - legacy functions as they are now.
> eo macro:  "selected_set" EO_TYPECHECK (path, const char*) EO_TYPECHECK (ret,
> Eina_Bool *) eo macro:  "selected_get" EO_TYPECHECK (path, const char**)
> legacy:  Eina_Bool elm_fileselector_selected_set(Eo * obj, const char* path)
> legacy:  const char * elm_fileselector_selected_get(Eo * obj)
> And C++, python and other bindings will ignore ret in setters/getters and
> use it as property:
> fileselector.path = "/root/some/path/filename"
> So the question is:
> should we treat it like this, or leave it as methods?

i think i answered that with json format. as to the rest of this thread we need
some more keywords like davide was implying. if we return a list.. a list of
WHAT? structs ? what struct? list of objects? string (const char *'s) etc.? we
also need to indicate allocation/disposal mode with a keyword. ie does the
caller need to free() the result or eina_list_free() or call some special free

what i am thinking here is a delcaration like a typedef - were we can make a
keyword and the define the behavior of a return (or even an input paramater. is
the input parameter referenced by the object after being passed in or is it
only used transiently). this can be even just a macro #define too for eo. so
a return might be

  Eina_List *names;

but is that a list of what?

so maybe like:

  Eina_List *names List_Of(const char *);

so now we know its a list of const char *. now how do we free it. assume caller
doesnt have to free unless indicated. if it does:

  Eina_List *names List_Of(const char *) Free(eina_string_list_free);

for example - ie u have to call eina_string_list_free() on the return value.
and it's a list of strings. or

  Eina_List *objects List_Of(Eo *) Free(eina_list_free);

this is much like we use EINA_UNUSED to add attributes to unused params today.
it's just adding extra info tags to a return value (or could be used for input
values). this would also solve the array issue

  const char **array Array_Null_Term_Of(const char *) Free(free);

that says the array is a NULL terminated array of const char * ptrs. ie.

  array[] = (0x2343a24, 0x21545f2, NULL };

reality is that in the long term we want to unify our design patterns to work
the same way for each case - we just need to indicate what the case is and
that's part of the efl class redo. :)

> Yakov.
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